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God's blessings shall be following you continually for taking the time to study.



TEXT: PSALM 84:5-7
5. Blessed is the man whose strength is in Thee; In whose heart are the ways of them. 
6. Who passing through the valley of Baca make it a well; The rain also filleth the pools.
7. They go from strength to strength, Every one of them in Zion appeareth before God.

KEY VERSE: PSALM 84:7 They go from strength to strength, every one of them in Zion appeareth before God.

I felt pity for you because of the hot weather. You do not have enough water to bath and you are not sleeping well but God tried to show me that human beings suffer greater than this. He said, ‘You think this is suffering. It is My will to allow man suffer. These people are suffering to receive blessing. Some suffered, died and are in hell. 

Suffer according to My will.’ God allowed the suffering. Do not complain. Suppose you were in hell? Who will hear your complaint? But this is your partaking in the suffering of Christ, so as to partake in His glory. Therefore, suffer happily. Suffer the heat happily. God is redeeming you from hell. Good is following you.

Honey is manufactured during heat. I mean, in hot season, the bees produce honey. So, God allowed it so. There are many assemblies that are air-conditioned, but no single person is in Christ there. Not one! So, receive it with joy. Is that suffering comparable to the cross of Christ? It is a little thing. 

When you suffer in the will of God, because you came to honor Him, to worship Him and to show Him forth, the Lord will bless you. So, take your suffering. Maybe you did not even get food, take it so; you will not die. The people with Jesus on the mountain did not eat for three days. Their mind was not on food but on God and the Lord was there with them and He knew they were hungry. That condition blessed the word. May God put your mind on Himself. 

That condition of not eating, suffering, is a cry to the Father for your sins; to tell Him, Lord, I can bear every condition for You to forgive me, to save my life and to preserve my life. All your thoughts should be on God. Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, food will follow after; good sleep will follow after; air condition will follow after.

Thought for the day: God’s reward is greater for a diligent conference attender

Song for the day: One glorious morning I shall see my Savior…

Bible reading for the day: Proverbs 18-20


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