For taking your time to study remain blessed.
TEXT: 2 Timothy 3:10-14
KEY VERSE: Proverbs 14:34 Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.
During this time, Mummy Pamela too was living with me. She came to live with me because while standing for holiness and righteousness, she also lost her home and was forced to stay on the streets for about one month. I also lost my job because of the sin involved and certain things I was told to do, which were a direct insult to Christ. We lost our homes, so Mummy Pamela and I started to pack our things to seek shelter elsewhere. There was one Swedish man that we had evangelized. As we were doing our packing, we remembered him. So we called and explained our situation to him. He was very glad to take us in. He became our father and was very caring. Up till today we still live with Sven, for that is his name.
After some time, I fell sick, but when I went to the hospital they didn’t discover anything. But later, I was diagnosed of a terrible sickness called, Grave’s decrease. I could either take medications for three years or go for surgery. During the treatment, I got my liver and blood cells damaged. I contacted our HOREMOW leaders in Europe and also Mummy Linda. They began interceding for me in prayer. Soon after, the doctor called me to give me the good news that my liver was getting better and some weeks later, he told me my blood cells were also getting better.
I went for surgery on 13th November, 2018. The doctors had earlier told me I might not be able to speak again, my neck might not function again and I might not walk again. But I told them I believe in Jesus and to the glory of His name, none of such things came to pass on me. After the surgery, I was counselled to seek for asylum, which I did but they told me I was going to be deported. To my greatest surprise, I was later called by the authority who told me I was no longer going to be deported but I could seek for citizenship.
Now, my documents are okay. Earlier, I had menstrual disorder which gave me severe pains. The doctor told me I had to go for surgery to remove my womb. Since I had only one child, they counselled me to commit fornication to have another child before removing the womb but I refused. When they were set for the surgery, the doctor was surprised that the blood clot that was giving me the pain had disappeared. I thank the Lord for all His goodness in my life.
Thought for the day: Take your health challenge to Jesus. He is the great Physician and Healer.
Song for the day: He has done so much for me, He has taken away my sorrow…….
Bible reading for the day: Psalm 142-144; 1 Corinthians 10:14-33
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