For taking your time to study remain blessed.
TEXT: Luke 10:30-34
KEY VERSE: Luke 10:34 And went to him, and bound up his wounds, pouring in oil and wine, and set him on his own beast, and brought him to an inn, and took care of him.
In the Old Testament time, anointing oil was commonly used as a healing balm. They had it in their houses as we have Robb or Mentholatum or Aboniki in our houses today for first aid treatment of cold, catarrh, wounds, inflammation, dislocation etc. So they too had it as a healing balm or first aid treatment in the family. That is why in the story of the Good Samaritan that Jesus narrated in today’s reading text we see the common use of anointing oil coming out clearly.
He said a man fell among thieves on his way from Jerusalem to Jericho and there came a good Samaritan by that way who went to his rescue and poured upon his wound oil and wine. Wine was to cleanse the wound and oil was a first aid treatment or a healing balm to soothe that place. The Good Samaritan travelled with it in his luggage bag as a common possession for first aid. That was the general practice in the Old Testament time among people of the eastern culture.
In the New Testament, under the ministry of Jesus, did Jesus use anointing oil on anybody? When He sent His disciples out to preach and heal, did He give them bottles of anointing oil? Even in Mark 6:13 where it was recorded that the disciples anointed people with oil, it is observed that at the time Jesus was sending them out, He specifically instructed them not to carry anything with them. If that be the case, where did they get the anointing oil with which they anointed the sick? It only stands to reason that it was the people themselves that brought it as a common possession.
They must have used it to anoint the people for first aid treatment as was commonly done, and then healed them by prayer. The sick was healed with the name of Jesus, not anointing oil. In the whole of the Acts of Apostles, with the diverse healings and miracles that took place there, nowhere was oil used for any miracle. In the ministry of Paul, whom the Lord blessed and anointed with power, he said nothing about anointing oil. It was mentioned just once by James but with emphasis on healing through the prayer of faith.
Thought for the day: Focus on Jesus, not on miracle objects.
Song for the day: The power, the power, the Pentecostal power is just……
Bible reading for the day: Psalm 85-87; Romans 9
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