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PRAY CONSTANTLY                                                                    


TEXT: Luke 18: 1-7

Key verse: 1 Thessalonians 5:17; Pray without ceasing.

I wish My children, whilst upon earth, to live more and more with Me in “the heavenly places”. Here, there is no fear or hurry or fret of spirit. I am gratified when you wait upon Me –which waiting I always honour. My thoughts, as you wait upon Me, are impressed upon you: all that I am must be increasingly absorbed by you. It is as you wait upon Me that I give to you that sense of calm assurance which you must carry about with you always. It comes from knowing that everything you have committed to Me is being surely worked out. Yes, immerse yourself in Me –and do not look anxiously within yourself to see what you are becoming! My child, wait for much upon Me.

“Commit your way to the Lord; trust in Him and He will act”; Psalm 37:5

My child, irrespective of what you consider to be your own merit (or failure), irrespective of how you feel, always cling to the certainty that I am answering your prayers. My loved ones have to learn utter dependence upon Me –not upon fluctuating moods, or upon My revelations to them! Just be patient with yourself, knowing that My constant influence simply cannot help prevailing in your life. Although My purposes cannot be frustrated, they can, of course, be held up. They can be held up if you allow the continued presence in your life of things hurtful to me. They can be held up by doubting Me, while confidence in Me was perfectly possible for you.

"Everything that you ask and pray for, believe that you have it already and it will be yours"; Mark 11:24. My child, there is ideal preparation for answered prayer! That preparation is ensuring that your whole life increasingly reflects your trust in My love — and My power over all creation. Seeking the help or the healing of those known to you, do not always look for instant, superficial results…Know that your prayer releases My healing power. Yes, it is flowing through your prayer!

That power is loosening any hold which evil may have in a particular situation. Thank Me that the person for whom you pray has been drawn closer to Me. Thank Me that this, and all your prayers — made with My love and power firmly in your mind are being greatly used. What a privilege to know that you are linked with My loving, saving activity among My children! ALLELUIA

Thought for today: Imitate the widow’s persistence on the unjust judge

Song for the day: Pray until something happens (2x)

Bible reading for the day: Deuteronomy 14-16; Mark 13:14-37



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