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Wednesday 2nd March


Text Matthew 16:15-19 
Key verse: Matthew 16:18 And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock, I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

We have things that are true and things that are false in this life. We have God and Satan. We have light and darkness. We have original and fake, so on and so forth. In the same way, there are also false and true revelation messages. We must know the difference between these two. We need to know the challenges against them. However, we know that false revelations cannot stand because they are not founded on the rock.
The gospel Paul brought was according to the scripture. It is the truth of this gospel that saved me; I am convinced of this gospel. I delivered to you what I first received. The gospel I brought centred on Christ's death and resurrection. This revelation of the truth is to make you know Jesus and to give you a heart that will stand for him and to also reveal to you the true worship of God and expose you to the truth that will deliver you from false teachers. These revelations have been examined to see that they are according to the scriptures.
We are to watch out and note that Satan can sponsor somebody or some persons in this Movement to perverse the pure revelations the Lord has given us. Christianity is not only in the gospel but in. The revelations we bring to you are according to scriptures therefore beware of evil revelations. Don't begin to run after revelations. It is not every way animals follow.  Matthew 13: 24 "Another parable put He forth unto them, saying, The kingdom of Heaven is likened unto a man which sowed good seed in his field:" There are good seed revelations from God which are wheat and there are evil revelations from the enemy which are tares. You can separate them by the word of God. 
These true revelations settled the argument in Christianity. Sure, God will preserve His true revelations. God will always separate false revelations from the true ones. There are two types of people in the church: the deceived and the deceivers. Leave the deceivers in the hands of God but persuade the deceived to recover them. To discover true revelation; don't listen to the voice of strangers, don’t submit to denominational tradition, avoid those that cause division in the church of Christ (Romans 16:17,18). Avoid books on false revelations and messages and be steadfast in the faith. The rapture will meet us in this faith. Hallelujah!

Thought for the day: Believe not every spirit
Song for the day: Open my eyes Oh Lord…………
Bible reading for the day: 
Numbers 28-29; Mark 9:1-29


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