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TEXT: Deuteronomy 18: 9-14                                            

Key verse: Leviticus 19: 31 Regard not them that have familiar spirits, neither seek after wizards, to be defiled by them: I am the Lord your God.

Nature abhors a vacuum. When king Saul backslid, the vacuum in his life was filled by the witch of Endor. Simon the sorcerer showed himself as a great man in Samaria because the presence of God was lacking there. Simon used the power of Satan to bewitch and capture the whole city. The Lord warned His people against the activities of witchcraft. Let none of God's people go after witches and wizards in the land. It is these evil practices that made the land spew the heathen nations out of it. God in today’s text warned us against using sorcerers or witches for divination. God created you for Himself and not for Satan. Let not Satan be the manager of your life. God has not given you over to Satan. God is all-sufficient for you.

King Saul’s life ended when in his predicaments he resorted to the witch in Endor. Note that; anything that has to do with witchcraft is defilement before God; your righteousness will certainly be defiled before God. Don’t at all seek their services. Revelation 21:27; "And there shall in no wise enter into it anything that defileth, neither whatsoever worketh abomination nor maketh a lie: but they which are written in the Lamb's book of life." The power of God is in the gospel of Christ (Acts 8:5 -13).

The power of God entered Samaria by Philip’s gospel. Without a doubt, the power of the gospel is superior to the power of Satan. The least power ever-present in the universe is the power of Satan. Jesus' power is a superpower. Matthew I0: 1; "And when he had called unto him his twelve disciples, he gave them power against unclean spirits, to cast them out. The power of God in the gospel can set you free today because you are precious in His sight. Repent from your wickedness and witchcraft practice;

Repentance is the way of public confession. Those that repented confessed and brought their books and magical powers and openly set them ablaze. For your salvation and deliverance reveal the places you buried human heads on your altars. Show your deeds that others may see, hear and repent. Paul acknowledged that he was chief of sinners. Confess openly what killed your spouse and children of which you are involved or aware. If you don't, the axe of judgment is already laid under your feet. Repent now!

Thought for today: You can be free from witchcraft and occultism

Song for the day: Jesus power, supper power

Bible reading for the day: Deuteronomy 23-25; Mark 14:51-72



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