For taking your time to study remain blessed.
January Tuesday 28th
TEXT: Jeremiah 2:1-5
KEY VERSE: Isaiah 52:1 Awake, awake; put on thy strength, O Zion; put on thy beautiful garments, O Jerusalem, the holy city: for henceforth there shall no more come into thee the uncircumcised and the unclean.
The Lord is saying you should awake because you may be sleeping, because you may be dosing, because you may be slumbering at the vision. You may be dosing off at the message He commissioned you to carry; you may be sleeping at the commitment. Therefore, wake up from slumber and get started on the vision and the message He gave you. Wake up to your commitment, wake up to God’s commission because there isn’t much time left. In today’s reading text, God recalls how you began with Him. He remembers the kindness of your youth, the love you had for Him when you were newly converted, when you and Him came in contact and established relationship. He remembers that love; your first love when your eyes were opened to His truth. When the message came to you and you received it with eagerness. He remembers your zeal for His Name, your passion for His work, your commitment to His cause and how seriously you took your commission. He remembers the kindness of your early years of relationship with Him and how generous you were to the things that carry His Name. You always gave bountifully to support His cause. He has record of the past which shows how holy and dedicated you were unto the Lord.
In your heart you were total in serving the Lord. You gave up all, just as Israel was initially holy unto the Lord. You never allowed unclean things around you. You never associated yourself with unclean persons. You were holy unto the Lord in totality. The Lord is saying your record is there with Him and because of that the He protected you. He said all that devour you shall be handled. Evil shall come upon them. As you were doing restitution at that time the presence of God went with you. The Lord was there to defend you. But then, something went wrong. Things no more continued like that. Some weaknesses have come into you. Some droppings have come. There is grumbling, murmuring and complaining. There is loss of interest. In fact, there is an evil challenge of the righteous ways of God. There is a drawing back and you are now attracted to your old vomit. Now, the Lord is warning: Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent. (Revelation 2:5).
Thought for the day: Wake up! Continue your journey with Jesus and don’t be tired.
Song for the day: Arise thou that sleepeth, awake from your sleep…..
Bible reading for the day: Exodus 16-18; Matthew 19:16-30
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