For taking your time to study remain blessed.
January Thursday 2nd
TEXT: Daniel 3:16-18
KEY VERSE: Daniel 1:8 But Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the unclean food and wine from the portion of the king's meat, nor with the wine which he drank: therefore he requested of the prince of the eunuchs that he might not defile himself.
Daniel determined in his heart that he would not defile himself with the unclean food and wine from the royal court. Can you also have this firm resolve that no lady or man will defile you before God? I mean can you determine that as far as marriage is concerned, you will not stray into any sexual immorality before you go to the altar? Can you be determined that you prefer to remain unmarried than allow a man to offer you marriage on the condition that he would first have a “thirst?” It is not even an insult for a man to make such a proposal to you, as if you are groundnut or orange being hawked about which people often thirst for sweetness before buying? If you live by that, many men will come and do “touch and go.” That reminds me of the story of a man who continued to pester a Christian lady that he would only marry her on the condition that he slept with her. With much pressure, the sister eventually agreed. After satisfying his sexual lust, the man later told the sister that she was not fit to be his wife because he could not tolerate her Christian faith.
Again in righteousness, as far as marriage is concerned, you will never adjust your age or add glory to your life to impress or influence somebody into marriage. Job 27:4 My lips shall not speak wickedness, nor my tongue utter deceit. Do you have a child before? “Yes, I have three.” That is righteousness! If the man or woman coming for you is of God, he will not object. Are you married before? Say the truth and don't tell lies. Don't deceive anybody with false information. That is fraudulent misrepresentation! True love goes with truth. A lying tongue is bad for a moment, not to talk of a lifetime. Enter marriage with righteousness. Let not your heart reproach you. Let not your heart condemn you that you touched her before marriage or that you lied to marry her. When a man begins to sleep with you or rob your body because you want to marry, righteousness is gone! Let no man or woman separate you from Jesus. Philippians 1:21 For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain. Don't give that privilege to any man or woman. Let nobody separate you from the holy assembly. Do not compromise on your holiness. You went for introduction and they say bring alcohol, or bring money to represent alcohol, don't agree. If the woman is yours, nobody can take her away from you. Prayer will settle the matter.
Thought for the day: Sister, don’t turn yourself into “touch and go” because you are looking for a husband.
Song for the day: Jesus must be honored, must be honored X2 Jesus must be honored in my life everyday
Bible reading for the day: Genesis 3-5; Matthew 2
January Thursday 2nd
TEXT: Daniel 3:16-18
KEY VERSE: Daniel 1:8 But Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the unclean food and wine from the portion of the king's meat, nor with the wine which he drank: therefore he requested of the prince of the eunuchs that he might not defile himself.
Daniel determined in his heart that he would not defile himself with the unclean food and wine from the royal court. Can you also have this firm resolve that no lady or man will defile you before God? I mean can you determine that as far as marriage is concerned, you will not stray into any sexual immorality before you go to the altar? Can you be determined that you prefer to remain unmarried than allow a man to offer you marriage on the condition that he would first have a “thirst?” It is not even an insult for a man to make such a proposal to you, as if you are groundnut or orange being hawked about which people often thirst for sweetness before buying? If you live by that, many men will come and do “touch and go.” That reminds me of the story of a man who continued to pester a Christian lady that he would only marry her on the condition that he slept with her. With much pressure, the sister eventually agreed. After satisfying his sexual lust, the man later told the sister that she was not fit to be his wife because he could not tolerate her Christian faith.
Again in righteousness, as far as marriage is concerned, you will never adjust your age or add glory to your life to impress or influence somebody into marriage. Job 27:4 My lips shall not speak wickedness, nor my tongue utter deceit. Do you have a child before? “Yes, I have three.” That is righteousness! If the man or woman coming for you is of God, he will not object. Are you married before? Say the truth and don't tell lies. Don't deceive anybody with false information. That is fraudulent misrepresentation! True love goes with truth. A lying tongue is bad for a moment, not to talk of a lifetime. Enter marriage with righteousness. Let not your heart reproach you. Let not your heart condemn you that you touched her before marriage or that you lied to marry her. When a man begins to sleep with you or rob your body because you want to marry, righteousness is gone! Let no man or woman separate you from Jesus. Philippians 1:21 For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain. Don't give that privilege to any man or woman. Let nobody separate you from the holy assembly. Do not compromise on your holiness. You went for introduction and they say bring alcohol, or bring money to represent alcohol, don't agree. If the woman is yours, nobody can take her away from you. Prayer will settle the matter.
Thought for the day: Sister, don’t turn yourself into “touch and go” because you are looking for a husband.
Song for the day: Jesus must be honored, must be honored X2 Jesus must be honored in my life everyday
Bible reading for the day: Genesis 3-5; Matthew 2
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