For taking your time to study remain blessed.
TEXT: John 3:3-8
KEY VERSE: John 4:24 God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.
We worship God as individuals. That is why we talk about the spiritual man. The spiritual man is he that worships God in spirit. God is looking for spiritual people for the Lord seekest such to worship Him. God is looking for people that will worship Him in spirit and in truth. God is not a man. God is not in the flesh. Spirits do not have flesh, hence you cannot come and be doing things carnally and think you are worshipping God. He says, “I am looking for people that will worship me in spirit and in truth.” You don’t belong there if you are not born again. Unless you are born again and become a spiritual person, you cannot worship this God rightly. This involves serving God according to the word of God and by the guidance of the Holy Spirit. In the worship of God, the flesh profits nothing.
Except a man be born again he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God, not to talk about worshipping Him because He is a Spirit. To worship God acceptably and rightly, you must be born again. It is a spiritual exercise. In today’s reading text, the water speaks of being cleansed by the word of God, by the power of the Holy Spirit. To be born of the Spirit speaks of the miracle of change performed by the Holy Spirit in the life of a sinner when he comes to God through Jesus Christ. Born again is that miracle of change in attitude and character that comes upon a man, upon a woman, upon a young man or young lady, or upon a child who believes in Jesus. It is the change that is wrought in him by the workings of the Holy Spirit whereby the Spirit uses the word to cleanse him from sin, regenerate him and make him conform to the nature of God and the image of Christ. Except this is done, you cannot worship God, for the flesh profits nothing. It is the Spirit that gives life and empowers you to serve the Lord, not the flesh. So, get this understanding.
Thought for the day: God is a Spirit, so you cannot worship Him in carnality.
Song for the day: Live a holy life, a life that pleases Jesus for without holiness you can’t…...
Bible reading for the day:
Job 33-34; Acts 13:24-52
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