For taking your time to study remain blessed.
TEXT: Revelation 3:14-16
KEY VERSE: Revelation 3:15 I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot.
Most of the churches in this end time have assumed the Laodicean Church characteristics. God has spoken over and over again on this matter. You will recall that Sister Linda and some other revelation-bearers were given a wide range of messages concerning the spiritual state of the churches (especially the prominent churches and their leaders). It is the word of the Lord and the word of the Lord is the same yesterday, today and forever. Some of their members were even angry saying, “Why did you call the name of our pastor?” These are the people the Lord wants to save by exposing their lying pastors, but they are fighting back. Can you imagine?
Through diverse means, God has given assessment of these end time churches. Many of them are not different from the Laodicean Church. The condition of today’s church is really painful to God. As Jesus stood outside the Laodicean church, so is He standing outside most of today’s churches. What keeps them busy is the intelligence of their pastor. What is entertaining them is the intelligence of their pastor. There is lukewarmness; they are neither hot nor cold. They are not serious-minded and there is no serious Christianity among them. The Lord is about spewing them out because the rapture will soon take place and they will be left behind. He will spew them out because they are not original.
What is the Laodicean church doing? They boast of material wealth and fame. They boast of the multitude of people they can gather, and they have really gathered much. Since human beings naturally don’t want much of God, majority go to them, where the word of God is not given serious attention. They go and entertain themselves. They play, they talk, they jump, they bring jesters into the church to make people laugh, they dance and when they are through, they go home feeling satisfied. How do they gather their money? They get it from their members whether the source is clean or not. They boast of the size of their cathedrals and its sitting capacity. Their members are constantly being taxed for projects, even pastor’s birthday. Members are constantly giving out although with murmuring and bitterness. Meanwhile, some of the leaders are busy stealing the money because the money is too much for their need. Righteousness is gone! They are materially rich but spiritually wretched and miserable!!
Thought for the day: You are either for Christ or for Satan. No double dealing!
Song for the day: Revive Thy church oh Lord…..
Bible reading for the day: Job 38-39; Acts 15:1-21
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