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For taking your time to study remain blessed.


TEXT: 2 Kings 4:1-7
KEY VERSE: Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world. James 1: 27

We see them all around us but we scarcely know what they are passing through. Jesus who says I am a husband to the widow understands better. God gives them special attention. Widows who suffer beyond measure do so because they have not known His way. The circumstance of life has put them under pressure and many of them miss heaven in the process. God wants to open your eyes and teach you truth about widowhood. He knows the way through the widowhood. He knows how to bring you out of the wilderness of widowhood.

In our reading text, we see the burden of the widow in a practical way. Apart from losing her husband she had to raise up her children alone. Compounding her misery were the creditors who would not show mercy to her. Sometimes, the harassment of the widow is from her in-laws who want to take undue advantage of her or deny her the inheritance from her husband. It is really a hard state for the widow. Except God stands by a widow, how can she survive widowhood? How can she avoid compromise and make heaven? That is why God is giving them attention and also instructs his children to do the same. The Bible says in James 1:27, “Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.”

God recognizes the need of the widow for help. Your visit to a widow should not be to make a sport of her or to mock her, but to comfort her and show her love. This is what God has promised the widow in Isaiah 54:4-5, “Fear not; for thou shalt not be ashamed: neither be thou confounded; for thou shalt not be put to shame: for thou shalt forget the shame of thy youth, and shalt not remember the reproach of thy widowhood any more. For thy Maker is thine husband; the Lord of hosts is his name; and thy Redeemer the Holy One of Israel; The God of the whole earth shall he be called.” Dear widow, your Maker is your husband, therefore, let your heart be comforted and peaceful; Do not be troubled.  For the sake of heaven, remain steadfast in faith.
Thought for the day: Widow! Be comforted for the Lord is your Defender.
Song for the day: Who can battle with the Lord (x3), I say nobody
Bible reading for the day:
Psalms 59-61; Acts 28:16-31


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