God bless you for taking the time to study.
TEXT: LUKE 15: 11-18
Key Verse: Luke 15: 18 I will arise and go to my father, and will say unto him, Father, I have sinned against heaven, and before thee,
The text shows the return of the prodigal son to his father. His return and confession showed his situation report. His father accepted and forgave his sin beyond his expectation. In the same way if you as a minister find yourself in immorality, come low and report yourself to your leader. The devil overcame you but God has known and will want to welcome you back. Discipline yourself by reporting yourself. If it requires withdrawing yourself from church service, do it. Your life does not consist in the service you render in the church so seek heaven first and not service. Ask for prayers and pardon. That is what God is looking for. Follow the right way to get it right.
Reveal your secret sins even the ones nobody knows. Do not protect your position saying, “If I confess, I will be removed from my position?” Child of hell, sooner or later you will still be removed from that position! Better come out now in dignity and receive double from the Lord than remain in your position in guilt. If you protect yourself, shame will surely come on you. Therefore, go and sit down and plan how you will recover your Bible study life again. Go and plan out the tapes and the messages you will need to listen to and books you will need to read for your spiritual replenishment.
Go and sit down; plan and take steps for your spiritual recovery. What about your evangelical and fellowship life that have collapsed now? The laxity and sleep that have overcome you now? What will you do now to recover your Christian life? Sit down and plan. Commune and talk with yourself. Take decision with yourself how you will arise. Speak like that prodigal son, “I will arise.” The psalmist said, “I communed with myself and changed my steps.” Go and do that. Now that there is still strength in you, arise! There is still time, Heaven has not yet, go and plan exploit for tomorrow!
Thought for the day Why sit I here till I die?
Song for the day I will arise and go, back to my father at home.
Bible reading for the day: 1 Chronicles 23-25; John 11:1-17
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