God bless you for taking the time to study.
Text: Jeremiah 29:11-14
Key Verse: Proverbs 18:22 Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the LORD.
God said here that He will turn your captivity away from you. Whatever renders you captive that you cannot marry will be taken away from you. He wants you to marry. Forget the fact that you are alone in that nation. God has said you will marry. Forget the fact that you are a young person sitting in a congregation and every other person is married and you do not see a single lady there. Forget that fact because the creator said you will marry. Forget the fact that you are a widow and many young ladies are around. You may think, “When will all the young ladies marry before they consider me for marriage?” The Creator says you will marry.
Mobilize Prayer Partners If your prayer alone does not work, mobilize prayer partners; seek prayers from men of God, go for prayer retreats, add fasting, the Lord will hear you and turn away your captivity. Whatever witchcraft spell was decreed upon you to hinder you from getting married, God will destroy it. All power belongs to God. All power is given to Jesus to do and undo. Seek Him and He will turn away your captivity. You may say, 'I am not even interested in marriage, and you are of age. Then something is wrong. If somebody stays throughout the day without food and says, 'I do not have appetite, then a particular sickness is troubling him, it maybe malaria. When someone has malaria, does he have appetite for food? No. Tell that person that he has malaria and he should be treated for marriage malaria. For you to be at the age of marriage and you are doing nothing about it and are saying, “In fact I am not even thinking about it.” Then you have, “Marriage malaria sickness.” Get yourself treated. Prayer will handle it.
Thought for the day: God is planning a good marriage for you; you should be praying unto Him.
Song for the day: The Lord knows the way through the wilderness, all I have to do is to follow Him…
Bible reading for the day: 2 Kings 9-11; John 5:1-24
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