God bless you for taking the time to study.
Romans 12:1 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.
Always say, “I am a worker or leader today if it pleases You, but if otherwise, you want another person, I submit.” That is holiness. That makes God to have His way. The football coach can replace anyone on the team because he wants them to score and win. What if they all say, “Don't touch me?” They will fail to achieve their goal and may lose the game. All they are looking for is how to win. If they notice that you are tired or not following the game plan, you may be withdrawn, and another person takes over. We want to win and when we win, we will all rejoice together.
Choristers should not sing as in competition and carnality. Self-seeking or self-promotion should not be seen among you. It is not all about your voice but your spirit. “I will praise you with uprightness of heart after I have learned your righteous judgment.” Holiness is number one before all singing and worshipping. Holiness should come first before worship and giving. Not self-announcement. Your pride will corrupt your gifts. God said, “Do not let your right hand know what the left hand is giving, that your father who seeth in secret may reward you openly.” So, your gifts and offerings are not for public announcement and vain glory. If for any reason, praise comes by it, it is not for you but for the glory of God.
Holiness is what we are looking for. Husbands and wives should conduct their marriages in righteousness and not in carnality. When you pass gifts through all manner of means, you are unholy, and you are manifesting inward pollution. You are not being led by God, but you are playing games to bring pollution to the altar of God. You have robbed and polluted yourself. May God help us to discover and handle you because it is Holiness that we desire to reign in HOREMOW.
Thought for the day: Holiness is the beauty of the believer
Song of the day: Called unto holiness
Bible reading for the day: 1 Kings 8-9; Luke 23:39-56
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