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God bless you for taking the time to study.



TEXT: 1 Corinthians 10:1-5
Key Verse: 1 Corinthians 10: 11-12. 11 Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world have come. 12 Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he falls.
We desire that you will be in heaven and I trust, that is also what you desire. What I am sharing with you will keep you steadfast on your way until you enter heaven. Many times, parents warn their children as they play and jump about, “Be careful, else you will fall.” This also refers to us, who are children of God. In our text Paul wrote to warn the Corinthians and of course, all Christians that we should know that the Jews all left Egypt on their way to the Promised Land. They all passed through the red sea and all ate of manna that fell from heaven; they all drank of the rock smitten, which rock was Christ Himself. So, they had all the privileges any Christian today would claim to have. Many of them could not reach the Promised Land but were overthrown. They fell into the wilderness.
Backsliding, falling away, and turning backward is a common phenomena in life. Many have turned back as Orpah, and many have backslidden as Demas; Demas has forsaken me, having loved this present world (1 Timothy 4:10). Many members and leaders in HOREMOW backslid and withdrew from the faith and are no more with us. This you know so well. Some that are here now shall turn back and shall no more walk with us. Know this also so well. It seems to be like that, that the fruits of a tree do not all reach the ripening stage. Some are blown off by the wind and it continues that way. Not all reach the ripening stage. Which means now that some will still withdraw who are even reading this now. Tomorrow, you may not see them in the Christian faith. It is a curse of life! Do people fail exams? Shall people fail exams in the years to come? Yes! Failure is akin to life but it is not marked upon a person that you are a failure. It is not marked upon a person that he shall be the failure. Many who failed learned from their failure and jumped up to perform well. So, no one is destined to failure. 

Thought for the day: Failure is a possibility so take heed of yourself

Song for the day: Until I reach my home 2x I will never, never stop my journey

Bible reading for the day: 1 Kings 21-22; John 3:1-21


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