God bless you for taking the time to study.
Text: Genesis 2:18-25
Key Verse: Hebrews 13:4 Marriage is honorable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremonger s and adulterers God will judge.
Marriage was instituted by God from the beginning of the creation of man. God Himself said it is not good that the man should be alone. He made a woman to be a man’s companion as a wife. Therefore, when you come of age as a man you need to marry. Similarly, a woman needs to be a wife to a man when she comes to that age. Marriage is a good and honorable thing. That a man gets married to a woman is something that God, angels, men, and women on earth honour. If the departed saints would hear of it, they would honour it. The church and society honour it. The parents of both spouses honour it. There is a respect the world gives to those who are married, whether they are educated or not, rich or poor, godly or not. There is an honor your parents and relations want to give you; there is an honor the church and the community will want to give you on your wedding day. People will travel far to give you honor on your wedding day.
Of course, there is another day like that when people shall come to give you the last honor; that is the day of your burial. The world will want to pay you last homage and honor on the day of your burial. The honor you receive on the day of marriage is better than that on the day of burial because, on the day of burial, you will not be there, but gone into eternity. The honor of your marriage comes when you are still alive and may kindle several honors that will follow you. It is the day the society gives you another grade in life. All the wayward women will remove their eyes from you; all those that disdain you will say, “She has entered the seat of honor.” That is on the day of your marriage. “Marriage is honorable in all.” Therefore, we must think, plan and pray for it. You cannot afford to sit idle as if nothing is supposed to happen in your life when you come to marriageable age.
Thought for the day: Marriage is honorable in all. We must think of it, plan on it and pray for it.
Song for the day: In the name of Jesus there is power…
Bible reading for the day: 2 Kings 15-17; John 6:1-21
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