God bless you for taking the time to study.
Text: Acts 26:15-18
Key verse: Acts 26:18 To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me
Today's key verse is a guide to what you are to persuade the people about. The LORD is saying, Go and open their eyes because their eyes are closed. They are in darkness that they cannot see with their eyes. They don't see and they don't know. What a spiritual darkness. This is a terrible spiritual darkness. For one to be blind and never know that he is blind! Is a serious problem. God says they need the opening of their eyes. It means understanding must come in. They do the things they do because of their lack of understanding. My people perish for lack of knowledge.
You have a mandate to open their eyes ', it is a spiritual awakening that relates to the consciousness of God. Awakening unto the Lordship of JESUS. Awakening unto the presence of the Holy Spirit among men. They should be awakened unto the authority and authenticity of the Holy scriptures. Awakening unto eternal reality. They should awaken unto salvation from sin and have an understanding about the eternal life in heaven and of the judgment of hell. This awakening should be there but they don't know this.
Many are not even aware of hellfire. People that are following false religions go and open their eyes to the vanity of that religion. People in many backsliding churches are waiting for you to go and open their eyes so that they may understand the spiritual meaning and rebellious state of the church. To turn them from darkness to light. They are in darkness. Their works are darkness. They celebrate darkness. They do iniquity, drink iniquity, and spread iniquity. They rejoice in iniquity. Some sacrificed their children. Why? Because they are blinded and don't know any other way. They are in the darkness of religion that even makes them fight the Living GOD and they are not aware. The darkness of hatred. It makes them hate one another even in the church.
Thought for the day: Go and open their eyes
Song for the day: Who will tell them that Jesus died for sinful world...
Bible reading for the day: 1 Kings 6-7; Luke 23:27-38
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