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For taking your time to study remain blessed.
August Wednesday 21st

TEXT: Hebrews 12:1-2
KEY VERSE: 1Peter 5:8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour.

I have told you before that if you draw back from the Christian life, God will lose interest in you. God will have no pleasure in you. Since you have decided not to draw back, there are principles of successful Christian life and ministry you must follow. I have already told you of The Word, Prayer and Wisdom. Another thing that is very vital to your Christian life is Satan. Anybody that ignores Satan, does so at his own peril. Satan has caused the fall of many. He has wounded many. Some had fatal injury. They are not dead but they are seriously wounded. Through him many have died and perished, and their souls damned to hell. To understand the study of Satan, you need to go back to the garden of Eden. Adam and Eve were perfect man and woman, but Satan made them to fall and they became naked and were chased out of the garden.

Therefore, Satan becomes a vital issue to consider in your race of eternal life. You must be wise on how to handle Satan, the things of Satan, the ways of Satan, the people of Satan and the instruments of Satan so that you don’t fall. You must understand his manners, how he did it in time past to make people fall because you don’t want to fall; you don't want to stop on the way. He has stopped many. Thank God, although accidents do occur on the way, not every vehicle gets involved in accident.  Not every aircraft crashes. There are aircrafts that have run successfully for years without crashing. There are vehicles that have run successfully for years without having accident. Although Satan has pulled down many, he will not affect all. For those people he affected, something went wrong. They didn’t place their priority right. Adam and Eve were morally perfect but they still had their own thought that misled them. They thought wrongly and their wrong thought made Satan to prevail over them. Satan told them they would be like God and that was where they failed. When leaders fall in ministry, something went wrong with them. Because they didn’t order their lives well, Satan took advantage of them. May Satan not take advantage of you as you run this heavenly race in Jesus name.

Thought for the day:  Run the Christian race with vigilance and watchfulness.
Song for the day:  We are able to go up and take the country …
Bible reading for the day:
Psalms 119:1-48; 1 Corinthians 3


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