For taking your time to study remain blessed.
August Saturday 3rd
TEXT: 2Theselonian 2:1-3
KEY VERSE: 2Peter 2:2 And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of.
If the people who brought this gospel got overcome by suffering, went their own way and abandoned this truth, how could we have gotten it? 2Theselonian 2:2 That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand. This scripture says, “neither by spirit.” Demonic spirits go about putting dreams or evil thoughts in the hearts of people. In a Christian gathering, the spirit of division might want to work and that could be by just dropping a thought in the heart of somebody while the message is going on: “Do you know this preacher? Hmm, you don’t know him?” Then he gives you revelation and maybe in that revelation you saw the preacher standing with two women; he would say, “Look at him; he is married to two wives, but he presents one wife to you. His other wife is hidden somewhere.” All is just to cause you to withdraw.
The spirit of division can come to a woman in a dream and give her a dream. In that dream he will cause the rapture to take place and people will be taken up, but the woman would be left behind. What happened? He would say, “See, it is because you use thread to tie your hair. This is against God’s commandment. That is why you didn’t go to heaven.” What next? The woman goes about saying, “God told me, you people can tie your hair but not me. God showed me that I missed rapture because of it.” These are the schemes of the devil. The Bible calls it craftiness. It comes in a way you will not be suspicious. Did you really dream? Yes, you did. But who gave you the dream? Evil spirit! An evil spirit gives the dream and he organizes that dream in a convincing way that you will confidently say, “As for me, even though I believe the preaching, but when it comes to this one, no; never! God is against it. Heaven is an individual race and I don’t want to go to hell.” Brother, sister, do not be persuaded by every revelation or teaching. Test every spirit. 2Peter 2:1 But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies.
Thought for the day: Live by the truth of God for the sake of heaven.
Song for the day: What is the hope you have? The Kingdom of God is the hope I have….
Bible reading for the day:
Psamls 70-72; Roman's 4
August Saturday 3rd
TEXT: 2Theselonian 2:1-3
KEY VERSE: 2Peter 2:2 And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of.
If the people who brought this gospel got overcome by suffering, went their own way and abandoned this truth, how could we have gotten it? 2Theselonian 2:2 That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand. This scripture says, “neither by spirit.” Demonic spirits go about putting dreams or evil thoughts in the hearts of people. In a Christian gathering, the spirit of division might want to work and that could be by just dropping a thought in the heart of somebody while the message is going on: “Do you know this preacher? Hmm, you don’t know him?” Then he gives you revelation and maybe in that revelation you saw the preacher standing with two women; he would say, “Look at him; he is married to two wives, but he presents one wife to you. His other wife is hidden somewhere.” All is just to cause you to withdraw.
The spirit of division can come to a woman in a dream and give her a dream. In that dream he will cause the rapture to take place and people will be taken up, but the woman would be left behind. What happened? He would say, “See, it is because you use thread to tie your hair. This is against God’s commandment. That is why you didn’t go to heaven.” What next? The woman goes about saying, “God told me, you people can tie your hair but not me. God showed me that I missed rapture because of it.” These are the schemes of the devil. The Bible calls it craftiness. It comes in a way you will not be suspicious. Did you really dream? Yes, you did. But who gave you the dream? Evil spirit! An evil spirit gives the dream and he organizes that dream in a convincing way that you will confidently say, “As for me, even though I believe the preaching, but when it comes to this one, no; never! God is against it. Heaven is an individual race and I don’t want to go to hell.” Brother, sister, do not be persuaded by every revelation or teaching. Test every spirit. 2Peter 2:1 But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies.
Thought for the day: Live by the truth of God for the sake of heaven.
Song for the day: What is the hope you have? The Kingdom of God is the hope I have….
Bible reading for the day:
Psamls 70-72; Roman's 4
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