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For taking your time to study remain blessed.
August Saturday 24th
TEXT: Psalms 150: 1-6
KEY VERSE: Psalm 150:6 Let everything that hath breath praise the LORD. Praise ye the LORD.
From the early church until recent time, Christian worship service had been a sober and solemn moment. Emphasis had been on the heart receiving grace from God and giving adoration to Him. All attention was focussed on God in the songs, sermons, prayers and other activities. The flesh was not given a place to exercise itself in dancing. Sinners who came to church came with soberness and bore the consciousness and guilt of their sins as they sat in the presence of the Lord. The preachers preached solemnly, with firm commitment to communicate the mind of God to the people.
Yet the worship service was lively, inspiring and joyful. The heart was made glad by the word of God, the presence of God and the manifestations of the Holy Spirit. The smiles, laughter, clapping of hands, shouts or cries of the worshippers were not mechanical or philosophical, but Spirit inspired. The converts were genuine. Righteousness and holiness reigned.
But in recent time a new wave rolled into the church. Christian worship now is being coated with dances. Dancing now forms a major part of church worship service. This is tagged praise worship. The dance which is being practiced is the wild type. Both men and women, ministers and members, adults and children, are engaged in this dance. The scripture they use for this wild dance is the one in consideration, David danced. Having considered the text of David's dance, we see the great error these churches and their ministers are in and how impossible to attain to the holiness of God with such practice. Emphasis now shifts to music, musical instruments, singing and dancing. Little time goes to prayer and the ministry of God's word.
The ministers and members wear mechanical joy and are musically excited! The proof of spirituality in the church today is not righteous character, but some particular styles of body movement in dances. Surely David would deny that the church of the present generation is following after his steps in their wild dances, because he danced this only once in his life time and that by complete inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Let those who engage in these dances know that they are sinning and so must repent before the Lord Jesus.
Thought for the day: Both men and women, ministers and members, adults and children, members and newcomers, are engaged in modern wild dances in churches.
Song for the day: Give thanks with a grateful heart
Bible reading for the day:
Psalms 120-123; 1 Corinthians 6


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