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(Int'l Director)



TEXT: Isaiah 33:11-14

Key verse: Jeremiah 23:40 And I will bring an everlasting reproach upon you,and a perpetual shame, which shall not be forgotten.

God's judgment against the sinner is an everlasting reproach! All his greatness, his mightiness, his power, his royalty, his pride, his influence and celebrity status will vanish and come to nothingness. The disgrace he will face is an everlasting disgrace. The shame will be everlasting. That is how the judgement of God is going to be. Are you a sinner? You love the pleasure of iniquity? God is talking to you. Sin has made you great, head and shoulder above other people, but the Lord is telling you how you will be reduced to nothingness and forever be shamed.

You will look at yourself and shame will cover you. It is an everlasting reproach. When the judgement comes there is no end.
Daniel 12:2; And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame everlasting contempt. The sinner will be the filth of life, the most valuable thing God has made would be in hell, but now completely emptied of his value. Everything alive is valuable - the ants, the owl, the elephant. It is said that the excrement (body waste) of pigs is not part of manure because all the nutrients have been sieved before passing out as excreta (body waste). Every usefulness in the sinner has been sieved out and what actually remains is the chaff.

Therefore, the sinner will pass through everlasting contempt. He will be the most filthy and valueless thing that ever existed. Excreta will be of more value because there's still nutrient in excreta, but the value of a sinner under the judgment of God will leave him lower than excreta.
Sinner, your Creator will declare over you that you are valueless in life, so you will be put in a place where you can remain without value eternally by the judgment of God.
Matthew 25:41 Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels.

The serpent was cursed and his form changed. The sinner too will change into a deformed body meant for contempt. Sinner, this body you are putting on is too beautiful. The curse of God will deform you. It will change your form and reduce you to a stench. The curse of God is upon you because you sinned and refuse to repent before you die. Cursed shall be the ground for your sake. God is angry at you because you played the fool at God. You trampled His grace underfoot. Repent before it is too late!

Thought for the day: God created you for His glory, not shame. Forsake sin now!

Song for the day: Create in me a clean heart o Lord, and renew a right spirit within me

Bible reading for the day:
2Samuel 23-24;
Luke 22:31-53.


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