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For taking your time to study remain blessed.

April 6th
Text: Acts 5:27-29
Key Verse: Matthew 10:28 And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.

God has not sold you to any man in the world. Isaiah 50:1 Thus saith the Lord ... which of my creditors is it to whom I have sold you? When your husband paid your bride price, he did not pay the price for your soul. All souls belong to God. The soul of the wife, husband, children, father, mother etc. Ezekiel 18:4  Behold, all souls are mine. If the word of God is exalted above the name of God, how can you now say you exalt the word of your husband or parent or pastor above the word of God. Although you are born through your father, you have nothing to do with your father in eternity. Your father can die before you and you can die before your father. Why then is a mortal contending with God over authority on your life?

Are you living to please your pastor? Have you known that your pastor is not God and your pastor does not hold the key to your eternity? Is your pastor God's creditor that God sold you to him? Why do you lay aside the truth of God because of your pastor? Man is doing it for his own glory. God is doing it for your own benefit. Man is doing it that you may perish. God is doing it that you may live forever. Ecclesiastes 5:8 If thou seest the oppression of the poor, and violent perverting of judgment and justice in a province, marvel not at the matter: for he that is higher than the highest regardeth; and there be higher than they. This verse is reminding people exercising undue authority over fellow men that there is One higher than the highest. The great judge is seeing you as you use your privileged position to oppress and harass people. Man is deceptive and unreliable. Jacob deceived his father and Isaac. Cain deceived Abel and led him to slaughter. Anon deceived Tamar and defiled her. Choose God and not man. Romans 3:4 compares truthfulness of God with man. Let God be true, but every man a liar. Don't fear your pastor that has threatened to curse you, bother about the salvation of your soul. Don't fear the husband that threatens to throw your luggage out, bother about keeping your name in the Book of Life. Don't fear the father that threatens not to pay your school fees. You don’t need a certificate to enter heaven. Fear him that can destroy body and soul in hell.

Thought for the day: Let no man boast over your life. Seek the blessing of God, not man. Read Psalm 118:8-9.
Song for the day: His word be the standard
Bible reading for the day:
Judges 18-19; Luke 10:25-42


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