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April Friday 20th
Text: Joshua 1:1-9
Key Verse: Joshua 1:8 This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.
Success is a commonly used word in the world but which is most misunderstood. Several books have been written on the subject but, from biblical perspective, they give wrong definition and guidance. What does God say about success? Success is dependent on a book - the book of God - the Holy Bible. By obeying what is written in it, success will come. This is the success of God as against the success of man. The success of God is a good one, but the success of man comes with sorrow at the end.
Success in ministry is doing the work according to the specifications of God. Many fail in ministry because they are never based on the book of God. Success in ministry is spiritual and has immeasurable eternal value, which your finite mind may not be able to comprehend. That which you think is not a success may actually be a great success in the sight of God. Many judge success in ministry by large membership - 10,000 or 50,000 congregation at one or three sittings. Another pastor has 20 or 30 members and people see him as a failure. That's man's definition. You have a pastor with many branches, large cathedral, huge bank accounts, and fame - that's success to men, but not God. What does structure, large congregation or money mean to God when souls are not saved? Unfortunately, most of these large churches are a congregation of excited sinners. You are succeeding when:
1. People repent from their sins and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ
2. Under your care, they are established in truth, righteousness and holiness
3. You preach the truth, it is received and acted upon. Jesus says “I have given unto them the words which thou gavest me; and they have received them… and they have believed that thou didst send me.” John 17:8. That's is a successful minister (Jesus).
4. When believers remain victorious over sin, Satan, the flesh and the world until they die in Christ and enter into heaven or maintain the victory until rapture.
If you are asked how successful you are and you start giving account of miracles, signs and wonders you have not yet given your testimony of good success in ministry. Success in the sight of God is not in the abundance of your possession but in the souls you win into heaven. In this regard, many pastors have not been a success in 30, 40 years of ministry. They have been labouring in vain.
Thought for the day: It is only when you lead sinners to Christ and preserve them in righteousness for heaven that you have succeeded in ministry.
Song for the day: It is a great thing to serve the Lord
Bible reading for the day:
1Samuel 30-31; Luke 17:20-37
April Friday 20th
Text: Joshua 1:1-9
Key Verse: Joshua 1:8 This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.
Success is a commonly used word in the world but which is most misunderstood. Several books have been written on the subject but, from biblical perspective, they give wrong definition and guidance. What does God say about success? Success is dependent on a book - the book of God - the Holy Bible. By obeying what is written in it, success will come. This is the success of God as against the success of man. The success of God is a good one, but the success of man comes with sorrow at the end.
Success in ministry is doing the work according to the specifications of God. Many fail in ministry because they are never based on the book of God. Success in ministry is spiritual and has immeasurable eternal value, which your finite mind may not be able to comprehend. That which you think is not a success may actually be a great success in the sight of God. Many judge success in ministry by large membership - 10,000 or 50,000 congregation at one or three sittings. Another pastor has 20 or 30 members and people see him as a failure. That's man's definition. You have a pastor with many branches, large cathedral, huge bank accounts, and fame - that's success to men, but not God. What does structure, large congregation or money mean to God when souls are not saved? Unfortunately, most of these large churches are a congregation of excited sinners. You are succeeding when:
1. People repent from their sins and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ
2. Under your care, they are established in truth, righteousness and holiness
3. You preach the truth, it is received and acted upon. Jesus says “I have given unto them the words which thou gavest me; and they have received them… and they have believed that thou didst send me.” John 17:8. That's is a successful minister (Jesus).
4. When believers remain victorious over sin, Satan, the flesh and the world until they die in Christ and enter into heaven or maintain the victory until rapture.
If you are asked how successful you are and you start giving account of miracles, signs and wonders you have not yet given your testimony of good success in ministry. Success in the sight of God is not in the abundance of your possession but in the souls you win into heaven. In this regard, many pastors have not been a success in 30, 40 years of ministry. They have been labouring in vain.
Thought for the day: It is only when you lead sinners to Christ and preserve them in righteousness for heaven that you have succeeded in ministry.
Song for the day: It is a great thing to serve the Lord
Bible reading for the day:
1Samuel 30-31; Luke 17:20-37
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