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Peril Of Idolizing Anointing Oil
Wednesday, January 17th
Text: Galatians 3: 6-9
Key verse: 1 John 5:21 “Little children, keep yourselves from idols. Amen.”
Today some ministers anoint business premises to cast out demons and to protect the place from witchcraft. The Jews never anointed their premises in the scripture. So, what is the authority for this anointing oil? To the extent that you have turned the faith of God’s people from Jesus to the anointing bottle. God is very careful not to allow a physical thing to be observed for too long because human beings have a problem of idolizing the physical. Faith is too strong for them; they will prefer that which they see. Thomas said, “Unless I see the marks on the hands and legs and the pierced side, I will not believe.” That is the problem of man. When Jesus Christ gave him that opportunity He said, “Thomas, it is because you have seen that you believe, blessed are they who have not seen yet have believed.”
For the just shall live by faith; be healed by faith and be anointed for service by faith. The gospel of Christ is called the gospel of faith; believing without seeing but men want you to see and touch before believing. Men turn that which they see and touch into idols. So now, there are people who have exalted anointing oil and they carry it about. Without it, their faith has been destroyed. To have faith you must bring oil. The Fulani man exalts injection a lot. If he comes to your hospital for treatment and you give him drugs without injections you are wasting time; his faith will not catch it. So, even if the situation doesn’t require injection, put distilled water in the syringe and say, “Turn around” and when he turns and you inject that water inside him, he will say “Ah! Nagode.” It is then the Fulani man believes he has received treatment.
They have turned the faith of the people to anointing oil, such that without rubbing somebody with oil, forget the prayer you are praying for him; his faith cannot catch. Paul said, “O foolish Galatians who has bewitched you, that ye should turn away from the gospel of faith? Did you receive the Holy Ghost by the works of the law or by the hearing of faith?” It is a bewitchment. If we want the glory of the Lord to appear, remove those things that contend with His glory.
Thought for the day: Avoid things that remove the faith of people from God.
Song for the day: On Christ the solid Rock I stand …
Bible reading for the day: Exodus 5-7
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