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Comments And Clarifications On Family Planning

Gods blessings shall follow you continually for taking the time to study.

Comments And Clarifications On Family Planning  

Thursday January 18th

Text: Genesis 1: 26-30
Key verse: Proverbs 4:2 “For I give you good doctrine, forsake ye not my law.”
Comment: My personal conviction is to follow the instruction God told Adam to replenish and fill the earth. I got married in 1972 and continued to give birth until it stopped after nine children. I have never done any form of family planning. Nurses counsel women to do family planning but they complain when there are no children to immunize. I tell them not to complain since they told women to control birth.
Clarification: You got married when knowledge and conviction had not come. In those days, women could trek far distances with fire wood on their heads, often without slippers and with babies on their backs. Their bodies were strong but nowadays they don’t trek that far so do not have the tough body you had. Some may die before they give birth to nine children because their bodies cannot stand it. Knowledge is vital to protect life. Does God say there should be no birth control? No. God told Adam to be fruitful but only three sons of Adam were mentioned; Cain, Abel and Seth. God promised to make Abraham a father of many nations but gave him one child through Sarah. God gave Isaac two children. Let the word of God dwell in you richly in all wisdom. If a couple decides to have one child for convenience, they have neither offended God nor broken the law to be fruitful.
Comment: We were told that artificial family planning is sin because God has given you a natural control method in your body to know when you are free and when you are not free and that with the calendar method you will be able to control your family. 
Clarification: In your case you agree that the number can be controlled but the method should be natural while some say we should not control at all and would call you a sinner for controlling the number of children God is sending to the family. Wisdom requires that we control the number of children through suitable methods; both natural and with appropriate contraceptives. 

Thought for the day: No method in family planning is 100% effective.

Song for the day: I have seen the Lord’s goodness, His mercies and compassion …

Bible reading for the day: Exodus 8-10 


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