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Scriptural Water Baptism For Believers
Sunday, January 28th
Text: Matthew 28:18-20
Key verse: Mark 16: 16 He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.
Water baptism for believers in the name of God the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved. This commandment came directly from the mouth of God. The Bible says that man shall live by every word. Will you go to heaven when you do not obey the scriptures? You neglected water baptism because you came from your church where they never taught the truth. If you were baptized as a sinner or by the wrong method, now that you have come to Christ and known the Bible as a preacher, obey the word of God. Is your preaching position higher than that of Christ? You are not higher than this word. Submit to the proper baptism to conform to the truth.
Ripples of errors are carrying people to hell. Ripples, as are seen when an object falls into water. First, errors came to Christianity through Catholicism: Idolatry and ‘Hail Mary’ has carried billions to hell. Then more ripples of falsehood appeared: Removal of faith from Jesus to material substances; anointing oil, handkerchief, holy water and carried a great population to hell. Another ripple again; those who harden their hearts against the truth. Or they never taught them this truth. Jesus has joined water baptism to eternal life but you are not aware. You are glorying in the salvation of this present time, not knowing that this time is a probationary period, preparing you for eternal salvation. Yet stubbornness to the word and pride of man is another ripple on the water carrying millions on their way to hell. Take the Truth. You must be baptized. If you have not been baptized, you must be baptized. Preachers, baptize your people. Otherwise, your work on salvation is not complete. Your work on evangelism is not complete. He that believeth must be baptized. Make a way for the converts to be baptized. They cannot baptize themselves. Preachers, baptize your converts because it is he that believeth and is baptized that shall be saved.
Thought for the day: Obedience brings blessings
Song for the day: Lord teach us Your word …
Bible reading for the day: Leviticus 1-4
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