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Handkerchiefs Or Aprons From Paul Healed The Sick And Cast Out Demons
Text: Acts 19:11-22
Saturday January 20th
Key verse: Acts 19: 20 So mightily grew the word of God and prevailed.
It was from the body of Paul alone and it was also for a given time, else Epaphras would not have fallen sick since handkerchief and apron would have settled his case. When there is heavy rainfall, it reaches a peak at a particular period, when the rain becomes heavy but you know that within some time, the tide will fall. It will not continue like that. God did these special miracles through Paul. It was not to be repeated again; not even through the same Paul. It did not transfer to Barnabas or Timothy. It did not happen under the ministry of Jesus. Handkerchiefs and aprons were never taken from Jesus or any other person apart from Paul to heal the sick. It was not meant to be a doctrine. You do not form a doctrine with one thing.
However, there are many false preachers who now carry handkerchiefs and aprons. Not just for one day, in case truly the LORD wants to manifest power it should have been just one day but they always carry it everywhere. Why is your church identified with aprons? You have left the scriptures. Demons have taken over. Church members now were aprons to travel, to the market, to their offices and even to sleep in their houses. They have been informed clearly by divine revelation that demons inspired those things. Demons empower those things to take away faith from you because faith is the most important thing in every Christian. To turn away faith from Jesus to material substances and then you die.
Christianity cannot prosper anymore, even in nations that are called after Christian names. Does the LORD see a difference between you and the Muslims or pagans? Are you, not idol worshipers yourself, worshiping substances? Are these things not in your boxes? Are they not the things you trust upon? Fake preachers have done damage to the gospel of Christ. They collect money to fatten themselves before hell comes on them.
Thought for the day: Beware of charismatic witchcraft in ministry
Song for the day: Standing on the promises of God
Bible reading for the day: Exodus 14-16
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