God's blessings shall follow you continually for taking the time to study.
God Gave Me Success After Many Trials (2)
Friday January 12th
Text: Psalm 67:1-7
Key verse: Psalm 147:12 “Praise the LORD, O Jerusalem; praise thy God, O Zion.”
I gave myself to prayers and diligent studies. I even gave a seed offering to boost my faith. My parents, friends, and unit members were all praying for me. One day, a neighbor said, “My dear, don’t worry, you are going to celebrate very soon.” It was strange to me since he was not a Christian and only knew that I go to church. I asked him, “Celebrate what?” He replied, “Don't worry, you shall celebrate very soon for what you are waiting upon God for. It seems you also have the spirit of anger. Do away with it. Everything will be okay.” I thanked him and we parted. I told my mother about the incident and we continued praying and trusting God because I actually had doubts at that time whether it would come to pass or not.
When the exams began, the students and invigilators were deep into exam malpractices; they shared the answers along with the question papers for them to copy. I determined as before never to cheat. God used my uncle, who was a teacher there to always bring the question paper to me immediately after the exam started so that I would have time to write before they collected the papers. On the day of mathematics, I was given the objective paper but I had not even solved half of the questions when the invigilator came to collect my papers because he wanted to leave. I pleaded but he became angry and asked my uncle to give me the answer sheet to copy from.
The answers were placed right in front of me so that I could see very well to copy but I cried to God in my heart and removed my eyes from the paper and started ticking anything on my answer sheet until I got to the end. Then I submitted my papers. After the exams, a friend came to my house to tell me that in a dream, she saw people celebrating me and that I should not relent in the faith. My mother and I also had dreams to confirm that I had passed. When the results were released, God proved Himself faithful and I credited mathematics. We had a celebration that day.
Thought for the day: God is faithful; yesterday, today, tomorrow, and forever.
Song for the day: I never knew that You will honour me this way, my God …
Bible reading for the day: Genesis 39-41
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