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Remember Jesus In Your Righteous And Holy Walk
Monday January 15th
Text: Romans 12:1-2
Key verse: Ephesians 2:8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God.
You were a sinner sold to drunkenness, immorality, idolatry, walking in darkness, with lies, a cheat. You know yourself but you see yourself now living a life of righteousness and holiness. You see yourself now clean. You see yourself abstaining from all sins and all appearances of evil. People know that you have changed. You have the inward assurance of the beauty of the life you live. Your character is definitely a new thing. You need to always remember that righteousness and holiness are the product of the word of Jesus, the blood of Jesus, the name of Jesus, the spirit of Jesus. Come to that realization that Jesus is what has made the difference in your life. That the reason why you are the way you are in the newness of life, in this present life of holiness is because Jesus is in you. Jesus has made you so. Jesus’ word has kept you. Jesus’ blood has worked on you. Jesus’ spirit is in your life. You come to that conscious awareness. You need to know that you did not come at this new, beautiful and clean life by personal effort or by practicing philosophies of men.
You came at it by the transforming power of Jesus. That is why you are the way you are. You must remember that this transformation came to you at the time Jesus came to your life. I am new now because Jesus is in me now. I am righteous now not by my effort but the power of Jesus has made me righteous. He has made me what I am now. That is what you should come to know, that this life you are living is not by chance. You don’t stumble over it! You don’t stumble over it!! You cannot work in a forest and see a cultivated land and say it was just there by nature. Somebody cultivated it. Otherwise, as you see trees in the thick forest, there had been trees in that parcel of land too but the trees were felled. Somebody felled those trees and excavated that ground. When you see your life devoid of sin, something was responsible. Jesus did it. Then be conscious of it.
Thought for the day: Realize that Jesus has made the difference in your life
Song for the day: What the Lord has done for me, I cannot tell it all …
Bible reading for the day: Genesis 47-50
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