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Temperate Life Of A True And Holy Minister
Saturday January 13th
Text: 1 Timothy 4:12-13
Key verse: 1 Thessalonians 5:24 “Faithful is he that calleth you who also will do it.”
Timothy was under the true and holy ministry of Paul who by the gospel had begotten Timothy, hence Timothy himself was a true and holy minister after the kind of Paul. What do we see in the life of such a person? His life should be an example of believers and a challenge to sinners; in word, in the manner of life, in charity, in love, in generosity, in kindness. When you see him, you will know that this is a true and holy man, in spirit, in the way he comports himself, controls his spirit, and controls his life generally. You will see that such a person is an example.
Esther had a great matter to attend to; one that concerned the death of all the Jews, including herself, planned by Haman, but she controlled her emotions, words, actions, and spirit. Even when Esther received favor from the king, she controlled herself and delayed her petition till the right time. The king said, “Esther, what do you want? I am ready to grant your request, up to half of my kingdom.” Was that not enough opportunity for Esther to say, “It is Haman! He wants to wipe out the Jews?” Esther knew that was not the way God wanted her to do it so controlled her spirit and said, “O king! If I have found favor in your sight, can you come to my banquet with Haman?” “Very simple. They came to the banquet and she fed them.
Again, the king asked, “Esther, what do you want? Even to the half of my kingdom, I will give to you.” She said, “King if I have so pleased you today that you are interested in giving me half of your kingdom, one good turn deserves another one. I am inviting the king and Haman again to another banquet which I will organize tomorrow.” The king said, “You have got it. We shall come. Haman. How do you look at it?” “Yes, queeQueenher. We shall come.” Esther and Haman exchanged smiles but this was a woman burning; this was a woman under threat of death. She waited patiently until the right time and atmosphere before she acted.
Thought for the day: Be temperate in all things
Song for the day: Let the beauty of Jesus be seen in me …
Bible reading for the day: Genesis 42-43
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