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Have Jesus In Active Remembrance
Tuesday, January 2nd
Text: Luke 22:19-20
Key verse: Luke 24: 8 “And they remembered His words.”
Know Jesus. Get closer; watch and feel Him. Come into His presence. We must do all to have Jesus always in active remembrance in our daily living. We must be heavenly connected. Passive remembrance of Jesus robs the believer of spiritual strength because you have lost real consciousness of who Jesus is. You serve Him, alright. You belong to Him, alright, or you preach Him, okay? But the conscious fresh knowing of Jesus is not there. As a result, the strength of life that you feel when you are connected with somebody; his presence, is not there. When you are alone in a dark place, you may be afraid but when somebody is there, there is no fear. “Well, I am not alone. I am here with Jesus.” When in contact with Jesus, you have strength.
When you have just this passive memory of Jesus, not an active memory, you are robbed of your Christian privileges. There are things you could say, I will have them because of Jesus. You could find it easy to believe because I know Jesus will do it now. But since the presence of Jesus, the active memory of Jesus is not in you, you lack this easy faith. To pray becomes difficult. Jesus is not very near in your own imagination. You have not brought Him to focus so to believe your prayers have been answered. You are a Christian but you struggle because reality is fading from you and with this comes a loss or spiritual decrease. It is the presence of Jesus that gives you the energy to challenge. If a dog is not near its owner, it does not bark. A dog on the street does not bark because the owner is not there to protect it.
I want to be always in your mind. I want to be there with you. I want you to know I am there. You believe in me. Yes! All these were believers. But I want something to make you remember me actively that I am there to save you. Jesus wants to be always in your mind and be there with you. Jesus wants you to know He is there. You believe in Jesus but He wants things to make you remember that He is always there to save.
Thought for the day: Active remembrance keeps you in appreciation of Jesus.
Song for the day: I love that man of Galilee …
Bible reading for the day: Genesis 5-8
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