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Harmony In The Word Of God

God's blessings shall follow you continually for taking the time to study.

Harmony In The Word Of God 

Sunday, January 14th

Text: John 10: 25-30
Key verse:  John 10:27 My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.
Man shall live by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God which can come in diverse forms. It may not maintain one characteristic or one form. It can come in different wrappings, in different manifestations but is the word of God. And once it is discovered to be the word of God, wherever it is coming from, whichever way it is being manifested, it is for man to live. Yours is to discern, is this the word of God? If you discern it to be the word of God, live by it. Which means obey it, and carry out the instruction it is giving you. Submit to the command or commandment it is commanding you. The word of God can assume various natures since we receive it in various forms. As obedient children and followers of God, we can discern the word in whatever form it takes. When you are used to a man you can still pick him and know that he is the one whatever type of dress he puts on; it could be traditional, formal, or casual. Even if he puts on a military uniform, you can still pick him because you know him, you are used to him and you understand him. 
If you are a child of God, you will hear His voice. You will know when He is speaking in whichever way. In fact, if you know a man very well and his nature of speech you will read a letter, a writing, and say this is written by this man.  Even if his name is not there. That is why the book of Hebrews has no name of author but it is designed with Paul’s writing because the language is Pauline. The language is clear that this writing is from Paul. My sheep hear my voice. Whichever way I speak, I manifest they will say it’s God. When Jesus came to Peter and the disciples and asked, “Children have any meat”? Did they recognize it?  John told Peter it was the Lord. We pick Him by His voice. This is the Lord. Although they didn’t expect Him to manifest that way when he manifested and spoke, they quickly picked Him.  

Thought for the day: Children of God should know when their God speaks.

Song for the day: Your word is life, Your word is spirit …

Bible reading for the day:  Genesis 44-46 


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