God's blessings shall follow you, for taking the time to study
TEXT: JAMES 5: 13-16
Key verse: Isaiah 8: 20 “To the law and to the testimony, if they speak not according to this word; It is because there is no light in them.”
The use of anointing oil to minister to the sick is optional, not mandatory because Peter went down to heal Aeneas who was bedridden for many years but did not use anointing oil on him. He just turned to him and said, “Aeneas, Christ Jesus maketh thee whole. Arise and take your bed.” He didn’t use oil but Aeneas got healed. So, it is optional for those who choose to use it. The use of anointing oil in the New Testament was restricted to healing the sick but then you find anointing oil in another dimension in the present church. They use anointing oil to anoint ministers, where did you get an example from? Jesus did not anoint His disciples with oil. The apostles did not anoint their under-ministers with oil. When Paul and Barnabas were commissioned for a missionary journey, the elders of the church did not anoint them with oil. They fasted and laid their hands upon them and prayed and released them.
When Paul took Timothy to be with him, he did not anoint him with oil. Neither was Titus and his other companions anointed with oil. Then why do you anoint workers with oil in your church? Anointing ministers for service, anointing people to go and stand as ushers, anointing people to go and sweep the ground…Where did you get that from? It is a strange spirit and since you have added to the word of God, you have given the devil occasion. This error crept in when men slept. A man sowed good seed in his field but an enemy came and sowed tares among them.
You are not watchful. The enemy has come and sown the tares of anointing oil, and you think that it is from scripture; never from the scripture of truth. It is from a strange spirit that is responsible for the strange things happening in the body of Christ. A strange power has been communicated because it cannot be proved in the scripture. so, there is no truth in that anointing oil. Now, what much more of an anointing service for a breakthrough, for an interview, for your tongue, ears, and eyes so that you can see well as a witch or wizard?
Thought for the day: Use of anointing oil for the sick is optional, not mandatory.
Song for the day: I believe, yes Lord, I believe…
Bible reading for the day: Isaiah 45-47; Colossians 3
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