God's blessings shall follow you, for taking the time to study.
Key verse: Ephesians 4: 13 Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the son of God, unto a perfect, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ:
The Lord is raising up true and sincere ministers to teach church unity, till we all come in the unity of the faith, into the knowledge of the son of God so that we are no more tossed to and fro. It is the false teachers that are tossing us to and for; they cannot prove their false doctrines from the Bible. Teachers that the Lord is raising up teach with clear Biblical explanations; scriptures answering scripture with clear Christian life and fruits of service. In our days we see the Lord making appearances to people; taking people to heaven and hell, and resurrecting this scriptural truth so that when these ones come back and relay their testimonies to us, the scripture become alive. All ambiguity vanishes, light and understanding are given to the sons of men. God has raised men that can use these divine revelations and bring scriptures together and unite them and rightly divide the word of truth. So that through the scripture and divine revelations you can understand the actual mind of God.
This is the interpretation of scriptural truth; God is doing the work Himself to achieve His aim. What God is doing now will only affect a few in various denominations and a remnant among them shall understand and these various remnants from various denominations will then unite to be the true church. So, now that this knowledge is coming to you, accept it; it is the working of God in our time. Don’t expect that your church will change as a body. Expect that of individuals among them. The Jews did not receive Christ as a nation, but individuals among them accepted the gospel of faith and are children of God by faith. Your church may not accept to come to this agreement in doctrines and truth and practice of the faith once delivered unto the saints. Your church may hold to their traditions but you as an individual can respond. Others will respond in various places. Those who respond shall be the remnant that the Lord is gathering for Himself before He comes.
Thought for the day: Are you a part of the faithful remnant?
Song for the day: Lord prepare me a sanctuary
Bible reading for the day: Isaiah 34-36; Philippians 2
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