November 13
Text: Proverbs 5:15-23
Key verse: Hebrews 13:4 Marriage is honourable in all,
and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge.
Contrary to general belief, payment of dowry is not what constitute marriage between a man and a woman. Only after proper solemnisation are they considered husband and wife with the right to the marital bed. Understand that if you have decided to have a white wedding, then the Church expects that only after solemnization in the church that you become husband and wife with the right to your bodies. The Pastor asks, “Do you take Brother X to be your husband and that you will cleave to him and him alone?” The bride says, “Yes I do.” He turns to the man, “Do you accept Sister Y to be your lawfully wedded wife?” The groom says, “Yes I do.” Or is it that you have already become one flesh sleeping with each other and are just playing game at the altar of God? If so, what is going on there is a mockery and God is not interested in that.
Even after paying dowry, marriage has not taken place until after solemnization, in case you desire Church wedding. But if you are persuaded not to do white wedding, then the traditional marriage becomes the terminal ceremony for solemnization since your parents have blessed you and dowry is paid. Of course you will have to inform the Church authorities and the marriage committee. She becomes your wife from thence because it is what you present to the Lord that He sanctions. Once the solemnization is finalised the couple have the right to their bodies from that moment and nobody can question them. If this be so, why do people who have been living together for a long time say they want to get married? The woman that has been there for the past five years as your wife and now you are talking about wedding. These people have no job to do. If you have excess money that you don’t know what to do with it, why not give it out for gospel work? We do not accept such weddings that do not glorify God because you are married already. Some churches will say, “If you don’t wed with your wife, you will not be a preacher!” These are churches in ignorance. They can have such principles and policies, but we who are churches with this full truth say, no! The important thing is righteousness and holiness. Go and serve the Lord.
Thought for the day: Don’t defile yourself because of marriage.Song for the day: Create in me a clean heart o Lord, and renew a right spirit within me
Bible reading for the day: Ezekiel 4-6; Hebrews 10:1-23
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