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Topic: What is Sanctification? October Monday 5th
Text: John 17: 14-21
Key verse: John 17:17 Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.
Sanctification is a word that has two meanings. The Jesus kind of sanctification and the sanctification He prayed for all the believers in Him. Jesus said, for their sakes, I sanctified Myself. That means I consecrated Myself and I dedicated Myself to God for the purpose of making humanity sanctified. Definitely, the sanctification here that Jesus was praying for the brethren is not dedication, because they were already dedicated. They were already dedicated in the sense that they had left their houses and were following Him. In one sense, sanctification means dedication to godly use. It is dedication to God or consecration to God for God’s use and for God’s honour. In that case, therefore, both Jesus and all that believe in Christ Jesus are consecrated, dedicated and sanctified. They are set aside. He has said about them that they are not of the world, they are not sinners in the world but God’s own. He said, I dedicated Myself for their sanctification.
Sanctification in another sense means the purification of a believer from the remains of sin to make him holy, clean, pure and undefiled. This second meaning of sanctification is an experience of faith. It comes through faith in Jesus. Ask Him to sanctify you. Just as the sinner comes to Jesus by faith for forgiveness of sin, the believers also should come back to Jesus through faith for heart sanctification. You have the sinful nature that results in sinful actions, sinful works and sinful activities. The sinful nature causes inner corruption or pollution. After salvation or restoration from backsliding, a child of God must go back to God for heart purification which is called sanctification. Desire the experience of sanctification. Pray and believe that you have it. God will give it to you. Jesus tells us how this prayer should be done. Keep praying until this is done. You need it to give you a holy heart and free entrance into heaven. Holiness is required for heaven. Earnestly pray for sanctification and the Lord will grant you in Jesus name.
Thought for the day: Sanctification is essential to possess a holy heart and to enter heaven
Song for the day: Holiness is the beauty of the believer.....
Bible reading for the day:
Isaiah 31-33;Philippines 1
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