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Topic: CARE FOR YOUR BODY October Saturday 17th
Text: 3 John 1:1-2
Key verse: Ephesians 5: 29 For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church.
It is the will of God that your body is preserved. Unfortunately, many people die before their time because they never cared for their bodies. They never gave attention to their body. God wants your body to be preserved blameless and not inhibited by sickness or adverse conditions that could adversely affect your Christian life and service. Don’t hate your body. Don’t do any evil to that body. Nourish that body and feed it well. As much as God gives you the grace, feed your body with good food and provide it everything needed to make it healthy and sound, in order to remove pain and sickness from it. Don’t expose that body to danger or damage. Keep it well and healthy because God wants it so. Although the spirit is the one that gets born again, to remain alive in this world that body is essential. It can end up the activity of your spirit and send your spirit and soul back to eternity if you don’t care for it well. Care for your body because it contains your life on earth.
For instance, you may employ a security man to guard your building but the real object he is guarding is yourself. The building is important because it plays its own role; otherwise, how will you be protected from the sun? How will you be sheltered from the wind and the rain? How will you be protected from evil workers? How will you have real rest without a house? The body is your house and if you get that body damaged, it will affect you and the enemy will take advantage over you. Therefore, God requires that you take care of your body.
You need to have knowledge of things and ways required to preserve your body. Knowledge has increased, that is why it is essential to take advantage of medical science to preserve your body in good health. If you undermine a severe stomach ache, you will not be able to rise or move freely because your body has been affected. What if an accident happens and your legs have to be amputated? Automatically, many things about the gospel will be limited in your life. What if you were to lose your eyes because you failed to give adequate attention to the cataract affecting your eyes? It is bound to affect your usefulness to God.
Thought for the day: Provide for your body everything needed to make it healthy and sound.
Song for the day: My head, my shoulders, my knees, my toes (3x), They all belong to Jesus
Bible reading for the day:
Isaiah 62-64; 1 Thessalonians 5
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