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Topic: MEND YOUR EVIL Ways. October Friday 23rd
Text: Isaiah 55:6-7
Key verse: Job 22:23 If thou return to the Almighty, thou shalt be built up, thou shalt put away iniquity far from thy tabernacles.
In case you made a false claim which is on record against you, you need to go now and disclaim it. That land in your village you laid claim to is a lie. You did so because you were a sinner. But now that you have come to know Jesus, go and speak the truth. Go and disclaim that land so that it can revert to its rightful owner. God gave it to your brother, why covet it? God told Abimelech, “The woman you married is a man’s wife and that man is a prophet, whom I selected with his wife for a future plan, which is yet unknown to the world. Do you want to disrupt my plan? Return the woman back to the husband because I gave her to him.” (Paraphrased). If you too have married another man’s wife, you must return her to her rightful husband, even if you have been with her for many years. God has his separate plan for each person. Go and disclaim that thing you did wrongly and follow the path of truth.
Someone else may be seeing you with the eye of the past because of your past sinful actions hence you need to go and correct his impression. When converted Saul was brought to the disciples, everybody was running away. Something had to be done. Barnabas took Paul with him to assure the disciples that he was now a changed man and no longer the chief persecutor of Christians. Paul himself confessed in his writings that all he did was in ignorance. He probably had narrated the same thing to the disciples when Barnabas took him along. He said, “I thought I was serving God. I was zealously doing those things, thinking I was pleasing my God, but I acted in ignorance.” That confession made them to receive him. There are some confessions you need to go and make to some key persons so that they can see you in a new light that you are now a changed person. You may need to tell your husband of your past secret sin. There are some things you need to tell your husband that will convince him beyond doubt that you are now a new person. “Do you remember the money I told you was lost? I used it to build a house. Let me go and show you the house. Please accept this house and forgive me.” This is what God wants.
Thought for the day: A child of God is known for truth, not lies.
Song for the day: I am a new creature....
Bible reading for the day:
Jeremiah 9-10; 1Timothy 3 #Horemow
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