God bless you for taking the time to study. TOPIC: THIS MOUNTAIN SHALL BE REMOVED TEXT: EXODUS 14:10-16 THURSDAY JUNE 1st KEY VERSE: “Arise; for this matter belongeth unto thee: we also will be with thee: be of good courage, and do it.” (Ezra 10:4). Patience and endurance are essential in the Christian life. Hence a believer facing some difficulties in life may encourage himself to be patient and endure more. However, you need to examine the matter well. It may be possible you are expected to do something about the problem. You may be waiting and enduring your problem due to your ignorance, fear, indecision, or laziness. Find out within yourself; the Holy Spirit is stirring some spiritual provocations within you against that problem. In our key verse, Ezra was the appropriate person to initiate action. Both God and men were waiting for him and would support him. All he needed was fearlessness, courage, and action. This may be your situation. Arise for action and ...
Daily devotional on horemow