For taking your time to study remain blessed.
April 1st
Text: Matthew 7: 7-11
Key verse: Psalm 125:1 They that trust in the LORD shall be as mount Zion, which cannot be removed, but abideth for ever.
In Your Marriage: How well do you know that man or woman you are desperately running after for marriage? Trust God to reveal your heaven-ordained marriage partner to you. Put all problems and prospects of your marriage in the basket of trust and leave them there.
In Your Health: God is the true and unfailing solution provider to your health challenges. Believe God and trust Him to overcome all your health challenges. In this matter, the medical report of doctors is irrelevant. Lazarus will rise again!
In Your Daily Bread: Trust God for what to eat and drink every day. Trust God for your clothing and shelter. You may have a desire to serve the Lord but you need His empowerment for you to do so. When you serve Him, He blesses your bread and your water.
In Your Relationships: Your desire to relate with God cannot be achieved by your power or might. It is the Lord that works in you both to will and to do what pleases Him. You need to trust God for enablement to relate perfectly and acceptably with Him. Similarly, trust in the living God on how to relate with your subordinates, superiors, colleagues, friends and acquaintances.
In Your Business: Put that business completely in the hands of the Lord. Confidently say, “I commit everything about my business into your hands,” then watch what the prospering God will do in that business.
In Your Education: Hand over your vision of educational pursuit into the hands of the Lord. The three Hebrew boys trusted in the Lord for their academic success and God never put them to shame. They excelled ten times above their peers.
Thought for the day: Trust God for all the needs and desires of your family
Song for the day: My God is able
Bible reading for the day:
Judges 6-7; Luke 8:1-21
April 1st
Text: Matthew 7: 7-11
Key verse: Psalm 125:1 They that trust in the LORD shall be as mount Zion, which cannot be removed, but abideth for ever.
In Your Marriage: How well do you know that man or woman you are desperately running after for marriage? Trust God to reveal your heaven-ordained marriage partner to you. Put all problems and prospects of your marriage in the basket of trust and leave them there.
In Your Health: God is the true and unfailing solution provider to your health challenges. Believe God and trust Him to overcome all your health challenges. In this matter, the medical report of doctors is irrelevant. Lazarus will rise again!
In Your Daily Bread: Trust God for what to eat and drink every day. Trust God for your clothing and shelter. You may have a desire to serve the Lord but you need His empowerment for you to do so. When you serve Him, He blesses your bread and your water.
In Your Relationships: Your desire to relate with God cannot be achieved by your power or might. It is the Lord that works in you both to will and to do what pleases Him. You need to trust God for enablement to relate perfectly and acceptably with Him. Similarly, trust in the living God on how to relate with your subordinates, superiors, colleagues, friends and acquaintances.
In Your Business: Put that business completely in the hands of the Lord. Confidently say, “I commit everything about my business into your hands,” then watch what the prospering God will do in that business.
In Your Education: Hand over your vision of educational pursuit into the hands of the Lord. The three Hebrew boys trusted in the Lord for their academic success and God never put them to shame. They excelled ten times above their peers.
Thought for the day: Trust God for all the needs and desires of your family
Song for the day: My God is able
Bible reading for the day:
Judges 6-7; Luke 8:1-21
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