For taking your time to study remain blessed.
March Thursday 12th
TEXT: Luke 13:25-27
KEY VERSE: Luke 13:27 But he shall say, I tell you, I know you not whence ye are; depart from me, all ye workers of iniquity.
It is a contradiction to expect to serve a holy God in sin. Unfortunately, this is what obtains in most churches today. The Lord told the Laodicean Church, “buy from Me white raiment that you may be clothed so that your nakedness should not appear.” What is that white dress without defilement? It is righteousness. The Lord is saying you must be clothed in righteousness. When the prodigal son came back home, what did the father say? He said, “remove the rag that is on him and cloth him.” Remove that rag of filth and dirt on him and cloth him with righteousness. The Laodiceans were doing their Christianity without righteousness. Drunkards were pastors among them; witches and wizards were pastors among them; elders took alcohol early in the morning to stand on the pulpit. Many terrible things were going on there and there was no righteousness for they were not born again. God was telling them “You cannot serve Me in filth and uncleanliness. Come to Me and receive genuine salvation, that your nakedness may be covered and your shame taken away.”
Why shame? When pastors and General Overseers commit immorality and sacrifice human beings for power, is it not a shameful thing? When people get to hear about this thing, is it not a shameful thing even to the pastors themselves? The Lord also counselled, “and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve that thou mayest see.” The Lord is urging them to get real scriptural insight; to get spiritual insight; to get the revelation of the word so that they can see because the Bible says the carnal mind cannot discern the things of God. He cannot because they are spiritually discerned. If a carnal man graduates in the Theological College, what will he be teaching? Can he preach message of salvation? Can he give what he doesn’t have? Since he is not born again, he cannot understand the spiritual meaning of the word. Brother, sister, you must take your righteousness beyond the level of just going to church and being counted among “he was also there.” Christianity is more than going to church. Rewardable service is serving in righteousness, not in sin. You cannot serve a holy God in sin like Judas and expect to be rewarded. Let your righteousness surpass that of the Pharisees.
Thought for the day: God desires clean vessels in His service.
Song for the day: Purify my heart, let it be as gold, precious silver, purify my heart……
Bible reading for the day:
Deuteronomy 17-19; Mark 14:1-25
March Thursday 12th
TEXT: Luke 13:25-27
KEY VERSE: Luke 13:27 But he shall say, I tell you, I know you not whence ye are; depart from me, all ye workers of iniquity.
It is a contradiction to expect to serve a holy God in sin. Unfortunately, this is what obtains in most churches today. The Lord told the Laodicean Church, “buy from Me white raiment that you may be clothed so that your nakedness should not appear.” What is that white dress without defilement? It is righteousness. The Lord is saying you must be clothed in righteousness. When the prodigal son came back home, what did the father say? He said, “remove the rag that is on him and cloth him.” Remove that rag of filth and dirt on him and cloth him with righteousness. The Laodiceans were doing their Christianity without righteousness. Drunkards were pastors among them; witches and wizards were pastors among them; elders took alcohol early in the morning to stand on the pulpit. Many terrible things were going on there and there was no righteousness for they were not born again. God was telling them “You cannot serve Me in filth and uncleanliness. Come to Me and receive genuine salvation, that your nakedness may be covered and your shame taken away.”
Why shame? When pastors and General Overseers commit immorality and sacrifice human beings for power, is it not a shameful thing? When people get to hear about this thing, is it not a shameful thing even to the pastors themselves? The Lord also counselled, “and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve that thou mayest see.” The Lord is urging them to get real scriptural insight; to get spiritual insight; to get the revelation of the word so that they can see because the Bible says the carnal mind cannot discern the things of God. He cannot because they are spiritually discerned. If a carnal man graduates in the Theological College, what will he be teaching? Can he preach message of salvation? Can he give what he doesn’t have? Since he is not born again, he cannot understand the spiritual meaning of the word. Brother, sister, you must take your righteousness beyond the level of just going to church and being counted among “he was also there.” Christianity is more than going to church. Rewardable service is serving in righteousness, not in sin. You cannot serve a holy God in sin like Judas and expect to be rewarded. Let your righteousness surpass that of the Pharisees.
Thought for the day: God desires clean vessels in His service.
Song for the day: Purify my heart, let it be as gold, precious silver, purify my heart……
Bible reading for the day:
Deuteronomy 17-19; Mark 14:1-25
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