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For taking your time to study remain blessed.
March Saturday 14th

TEXT: 2 Peter 3:13-15
KEY VERSE: 1 Peter 4:7 But the end of all things is at hand: be ye therefore sober, and watch unto prayer.

My brother, awake! My sister, awake!! Romans 13:11 And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed. The rapture is about to take place. Thank God you revived before it was too late for you. Awake to your personal spiritual life and to the vision the Lord gave you. Awake to the commission the Lord handed over to you. Romans 13:12 The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light. Time is no more, for the night is far spent. It is almost day break for the time is now 4:00am. In a little while, the cock will crow. In a little while, the trumpet will sound and usher in the rapture. Awake to your activities for Jesus. Awake to serve the Lord. Awake to carrying the banner of holiness. Yes, the night is far spent and the day is at hand; therefore, let us cast out the evil works of darkness. Let us put on the amour of life. This is what the Lord is telling you.

Romans 13:13-14 Let us walk honestly, as in the day; not in rioting and drunkenness, not in chambering and wantonness, not in strife and envying. 14 But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof. Awake! Awake!! Awake!!! Awake to original Christianity, not this counterfeit Christianity people are now practicing that will end at the grave side.  That is what the Lord is asking me to tell you. Those things you first heard about Holiness Movement when you joined remain true up till today.  A Movement that Jesus Himself establish; a Movement that is gathering people of God into one body in preparation for rapture. A Movement that was raised up by Jesus to promote truth, righteousness and holiness worldwide. A Movement having God’s chosen servant over it, whom the Lord has found righteous, holy, zealous and dedicated to carry out the assignment to the end. The Lord has spoken a lot about Holiness Revival Movement in joy and happiness, saying we are always pleasing His heart. The story remains true up till today. Remain faithful to the end, you shall make it in Jesus name. Amen.

Thought for the day: Live in high expectation of the rapture and keep yourself pure.
Song for the day: One glorious morning I shall see my Savior…….
Bible reading for the day:
Deuteronomy 23-25; Mark 14:51-72


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