For taking your time to study remain blessed.
March Wednesday 18th
TEXT: Matthew 7:13-14
KEY VERSE: Romans 10:2 For I bear them record that they have a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge.
In today’s bible reading, the scripture presents to us the two ways open to man in this life: the broad way and the narrow way. The narrow way has to be preached to people and the people have to be persuaded to walk in it because only a few are willing to walk in it, even though it is the way that leads to life. The broad way is the natural way of life and many are following it either consciously or unconsciously. It is the way of destruction. It is the way of death. It is the way of eternal damnation in hell fire. Men are born into this world of sin and are completely ignorant of God and His righteous demands. They are following the wrong way ignorantly and completely unaware of God’s expectation from them. They live in sin, they merry in sin, they serve Satan and idols joyfully and at the end they perish. That is the natural course of this life. Many play religion, without understanding anything about the true God. They are playing religion and looking very sobre but without the knowledge of God. We have them both in the Christian religion and other false religions that abound in the world.
When we look at those in opposite religion in Nigeria who are very fervent (some of them are even our friends, brothers, sisters and colleagues), we know with certainty that their final destination is hell fire. They are zealous, but zealous for nothing. That is the grand deception of Satan. They are neither aware of God nor His demands. They are in multitudes following the wrong way to hell. We also have those who claim to have faith in Christ but are only playing religion and denominationalism without deliverance from sin. They are not truly converted. They are in the Church and called Christians but they are not saved. In fact, they are not even aware that there is anything to do more than the ceremonial rites which they observe in the church – singing, dancing, fasting, revival, miracle. They have done water baptism, they take Holy Communion, they pay their tithes, they sow seeds and some even teach in Sunday School or preach to large audiences but their names are not in the Book of Life. They are the Broad Way Christians on the broad way to hell. You must not walk this way or fail to persuade those walking it to move out and walk the narrow way, which is found only in Christ Jesus.
Thought for the day: You owe sinners the responsibility of preaching the full gospel message.
Song for the day: If you cannot speak like angels…. you can tell the love of Jesus; you can say He died for all…
Bible reading for the day: Deuteronomy 31-32; Luke 1:1-23
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