For taking your time to study remain blessed.
March Monday 2nd
Text: Philippians 4:6-7
Key verse: Romans 10:11 For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on Him shall not be ashamed.
Is there any area of your life that still brings you shame? Have you found somebody that is ashamed because of a deformity in His life? That is because he has not surrendered that deformed part of his life in trust to God. The secret of a shameless life and bold, confident living is to have total trust in God. There is no deformity in your life that is beyond God’s reformation. The result of trust in the Lord is a life free from shame. Feeling ashamed because you cannot read or write is because you have not submitted your illiteracy to God. You have not submitted your lack and want to God, which is why you are still ashamed. Whosoever believes and trusts God in the area of his or her challenges shall not be ashamed. Life will be free, confident and bold and you will move forward as a lion, because your life is with God and you believe God to manage it well. Your life is in God and God is in you.
This insecurity in your life that is making you to be worried and anxious about life is an indication that you have not handed over yourself completely to God to manage for you. The reason you are running up and down is because you have not entrusted God with that matter well. The secret of calmness in life is complete trust in the Lord. Do you want to overcome your worry and anxiety? Trust in the Lord completely. The peace of God that will break the wall of insecurity, worry and anxiety in your life, the peace of God that will keep you calm in the midst of turmoil shall keep your heart and mind through Christ Jesus.
I will tell you confidently that I am at rest because I have believed in God and I trust in Him that He is able to keep that which I have committed unto Him against the day of Jesus’ return. We are fully resting in Christ because we have surrendered our matters to Him. We are resting from carrying personal burdens. We have given them over to Christ as the song writer said, “Take your burden to the Lord and leave it there.” Sit quietly and be calm in the Lord your God. God said I should tell you to surrender all your cares in total trust to Him and it shall be well.
Thought for the day: Stay your mind upon God.
Song for the day: I have Jesus the Son of God, why should I fear…
Bible reading for the day:
Numbers 28-29; Mark 9:1-29
March Monday 2nd
Text: Philippians 4:6-7
Key verse: Romans 10:11 For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on Him shall not be ashamed.
Is there any area of your life that still brings you shame? Have you found somebody that is ashamed because of a deformity in His life? That is because he has not surrendered that deformed part of his life in trust to God. The secret of a shameless life and bold, confident living is to have total trust in God. There is no deformity in your life that is beyond God’s reformation. The result of trust in the Lord is a life free from shame. Feeling ashamed because you cannot read or write is because you have not submitted your illiteracy to God. You have not submitted your lack and want to God, which is why you are still ashamed. Whosoever believes and trusts God in the area of his or her challenges shall not be ashamed. Life will be free, confident and bold and you will move forward as a lion, because your life is with God and you believe God to manage it well. Your life is in God and God is in you.
This insecurity in your life that is making you to be worried and anxious about life is an indication that you have not handed over yourself completely to God to manage for you. The reason you are running up and down is because you have not entrusted God with that matter well. The secret of calmness in life is complete trust in the Lord. Do you want to overcome your worry and anxiety? Trust in the Lord completely. The peace of God that will break the wall of insecurity, worry and anxiety in your life, the peace of God that will keep you calm in the midst of turmoil shall keep your heart and mind through Christ Jesus.
I will tell you confidently that I am at rest because I have believed in God and I trust in Him that He is able to keep that which I have committed unto Him against the day of Jesus’ return. We are fully resting in Christ because we have surrendered our matters to Him. We are resting from carrying personal burdens. We have given them over to Christ as the song writer said, “Take your burden to the Lord and leave it there.” Sit quietly and be calm in the Lord your God. God said I should tell you to surrender all your cares in total trust to Him and it shall be well.
Thought for the day: Stay your mind upon God.
Song for the day: I have Jesus the Son of God, why should I fear…
Bible reading for the day:
Numbers 28-29; Mark 9:1-29
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