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For taking your time to study remain blessed.
May Thursday 23rd

TEXT: 2 Corinthians 4:1-2
KEY VERSE: Matthew 13:23 But he that received seed into the good ground is he that heareth the word, and understandeth it; which also beareth fruit, and bringeth forth, some an hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty. 
 The money in your hands belongs to God. It must not be given to support His enemies. Not every minister on the pulpit is true for there are many false ministers. Not every church belongs to God. If you give your tithe and offering to them, you have no reward because you are strengthening the hands of the enemy against the Kingdom of God. How do you know the true ministers you are to support?

1.      They live a transparent and holy life that is free of sin and evil. They are born again and the fruit of the Spirit fully manifests in their lives.
2.      They have the calling of God into ministry and serve diligently with righteous zeal and commitment
3.      They do not use human wisdom or craftiness in ministry. They do not purse personal gains or ambitions. They live a simple lifestyle.
4.      They are no liars or deceivers. They preach and teach the word of God, not human philosophy.
5.      The truth they teach is verifiable from the Bible and those who see them testify that they are righteous, holy and true.
6.      Their ministry is accompanied by genuine signs and wonders.

Whatever you give to such minsters or the churches they preside over is truly given to the Lord. These are they who have the mandate to evangelize the world, plant churches and teach the believers the whole counsel of God. Partner with them through your money and material resources. Pray for them as you support them materially that the work of God may prosper in their hands. Please do not allow any one of them to be starved because he is not in your denomination. There is no denomination in Christ and in heaven. May the Lord grant you deep understanding in this matter. Amen.
Thought for the day: Sow your tithe and offering on fertile ground where you can reap bountifully.
Song for the day: I don’t care what church you belong to, but as far as in Jesus you stand, if by..
Bible reading for the day: 1 Chronicles 8-10; John 8:37-59


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