For taking your time to study remain blessed.
May Sunday 20th
Text: Genesis 2:21-25 KJV
Key Verse: Mathew 19:6 Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.
They are no more twain, but one flesh. They became one in the flesh. On this premise, resources in the hands of husband and wife should be seen as belonging to both and nothing should be hidden from each other. Gen 2:25 And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed (Genesis 2:25). None should be ashamed to tell the other of his or her financial downturn or hide any excess that comes in as a result of God's blessing. Your spouse should know of your building projects and investments. Some wives have lost the inheritance of their husbands to business partners because they were hidden from her. In the same manner, the wife should not embark on secret investments or take from the food allowance to start a secret project as some do.
Proverbs 6:16 These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: 17 A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, 18 An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, 19 A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.
Let your spouse know your disposable income for it will bring better understanding. Don't lie that you have not been paid after collecting your salary. It is a sin. The dead does not hide its body from the mortuary attendant that will wash it. Don't hide the challenges you are facing in your finances from your spouse, it will boomerang. If you have lost your job, come out plain and don’t sell any dummy to your wife. There is no need for grandstanding or going on ego trip in marriage. When your spouse is informed about your financial condition, there is willingness to sacrifice and provide support as necessary. But when you deal in lies and deceit, you break trust that is vital in sustaining relationship and create suspicion and friction in relationship. Relationship is built on trust hence nothing must be done to tamper with that trust. Finally, husband and wife should not be conspirators in lying. Learn from the story of Ananias and Sapphira in Acts 6:1-11.
Thought for the day: Relationship is built on trust. Don’t break the trust.
Song for the day: Make me worthy in the morning …
Bible reading for the day: 1 Chronicles 1-2; John 7:32-53
May Sunday 20th
Text: Genesis 2:21-25 KJV
Key Verse: Mathew 19:6 Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.
They are no more twain, but one flesh. They became one in the flesh. On this premise, resources in the hands of husband and wife should be seen as belonging to both and nothing should be hidden from each other. Gen 2:25 And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed (Genesis 2:25). None should be ashamed to tell the other of his or her financial downturn or hide any excess that comes in as a result of God's blessing. Your spouse should know of your building projects and investments. Some wives have lost the inheritance of their husbands to business partners because they were hidden from her. In the same manner, the wife should not embark on secret investments or take from the food allowance to start a secret project as some do.
Proverbs 6:16 These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: 17 A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, 18 An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, 19 A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.
Let your spouse know your disposable income for it will bring better understanding. Don't lie that you have not been paid after collecting your salary. It is a sin. The dead does not hide its body from the mortuary attendant that will wash it. Don't hide the challenges you are facing in your finances from your spouse, it will boomerang. If you have lost your job, come out plain and don’t sell any dummy to your wife. There is no need for grandstanding or going on ego trip in marriage. When your spouse is informed about your financial condition, there is willingness to sacrifice and provide support as necessary. But when you deal in lies and deceit, you break trust that is vital in sustaining relationship and create suspicion and friction in relationship. Relationship is built on trust hence nothing must be done to tamper with that trust. Finally, husband and wife should not be conspirators in lying. Learn from the story of Ananias and Sapphira in Acts 6:1-11.
Thought for the day: Relationship is built on trust. Don’t break the trust.
Song for the day: Make me worthy in the morning …
Bible reading for the day: 1 Chronicles 1-2; John 7:32-53
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