For taking your time to study remain blessed.
TEXT: Psalm 42:1-5
Memory verse:
King David loved the Lord so much that he always longed after God.
He sought after righteousness and truth and pursued it with the whole of his
heart, that is why the expression of his heart toward God in Psalm 42:1 “As the
heart panted after the water brooks, so panted my soul after thee, Oh God; my
soul thirsted for God? Here we see a man that hungered and thirsted after God.
To thirst and hunger after God is to thirst and hunger after righteousness and
truth. A Christian who follows after truth and righteousness is a balanced
person in this life because truth will distinguished him among many and his
righteous life will endear him to God. Why?
Because the heart always longs and thirsts for many things and God gives
man the privilege of asking what he desire from Him. I king 3:5
Walk in truth, walk in
righteousness and holiness your heart shall be established. The Lord Jesus
says, in the book of John 4:23-24 “that God is a spirit and they that must
worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth”. This shows clearly that
the believer cannot worship God and his worship accepted by God except when he
conducts such worship Biblically, meaning that holiness and righteousness is
his lifestyle, living in God’s truth. That truth is about the life a child of
God lives at work, in office, in business and within his neighbourhood. Such
life of truthfulness and righteousness brightens
him in a corrupt and dark world that we are living in. Noah and Abraham were
good examples of such children of God in their own time. But if one rejects the
truth and refuses to live in righteousness,
such a person does so at his own peril. Jesus said in revelation 3: 20. Behold,
I stand at the door, and Knock …..” the truth is knocking at your door today.
Please open your heart and receive Him. What is this truth then? The word of
God is the truth, John 14:6 the scripture also says buy the truth and sell it
not. When you live in the truth you will live in heaven eternally. Truth and righteousness go together and these two must
be in you before you can eat and enjoy the fruit of it here on earth. Child of
God are you aware that without rigtheousness, truth and holiness the gate of
heaven is totally closed against you?
Thought for the day: What do you hunger and thirst for in this life?
Song for the day: Something more than gold, something more than silver….
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