For taking your time to study remain blessed.
TEXT: 1TIMOTHY 2:11-15
Key Verse: “For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and He is the Saviourof the body. Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in everything.” Eph 5:23-24
The above passage forbidding the woman to teach the word of God and commanding her to learn in silence is not absolute and unconditional. The woman has the right to prophesy: speak to others for their edification, exhortation and comfort, Joel 2:28-29. She is authorized to preach the gospel as a disciple of Jesus within and outside the church all over the world, Mark 16:15,20. Preaching overlaps with teaching. The Christian woman has the authority to teach people to observe all things the Lord has commanded in the scripture. In Tit 2:4, the woman is specifically commanded to “teach the young women” on issues of righteousness and holiness.
The passage “I suffer not a woman to teach” is analyzed as: 1. Let the woman learn in silence 2. Let the woman be with all subjection 3. I do not allow the woman to teach 4. I do not allow the woman to usurp authority over the man 5. But she is to be in silence 6. Adam was formed before Eve 7. Adam was not deceived 8. The woman was deceived 9. She brought the sin on Adam (This was why God allowed suffering in childbearing in Gen 3:16) 10. However, she shall be saved in childbearing 11. Let them continue in faith, charity, holiness and sobriety. Therefore, seek the correct interpretation of the scripture to avoid destruction.
If the woman is free to preach to men, she is also free to teach men. The scripture does not limit her teaching ministry to women only. Therefore, we should not forbid the woman to teach children or youth, especially the males. Whatever a man does, his wife should follow and help him. The scripture says that God made the woman a suitable helper for man
Thought for the day: Study the word of God that you may rightly divide the word of truth.
Song for the day: Must I go, and empty-handed? Must I meet my Saviour so?…
Bible reading for the day:
Micah 6-7; Revelation 12
TEXT: 1TIMOTHY 2:11-15
Key Verse: “For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and He is the Saviourof the body. Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in everything.” Eph 5:23-24
The above passage forbidding the woman to teach the word of God and commanding her to learn in silence is not absolute and unconditional. The woman has the right to prophesy: speak to others for their edification, exhortation and comfort, Joel 2:28-29. She is authorized to preach the gospel as a disciple of Jesus within and outside the church all over the world, Mark 16:15,20. Preaching overlaps with teaching. The Christian woman has the authority to teach people to observe all things the Lord has commanded in the scripture. In Tit 2:4, the woman is specifically commanded to “teach the young women” on issues of righteousness and holiness.
The passage “I suffer not a woman to teach” is analyzed as: 1. Let the woman learn in silence 2. Let the woman be with all subjection 3. I do not allow the woman to teach 4. I do not allow the woman to usurp authority over the man 5. But she is to be in silence 6. Adam was formed before Eve 7. Adam was not deceived 8. The woman was deceived 9. She brought the sin on Adam (This was why God allowed suffering in childbearing in Gen 3:16) 10. However, she shall be saved in childbearing 11. Let them continue in faith, charity, holiness and sobriety. Therefore, seek the correct interpretation of the scripture to avoid destruction.
If the woman is free to preach to men, she is also free to teach men. The scripture does not limit her teaching ministry to women only. Therefore, we should not forbid the woman to teach children or youth, especially the males. Whatever a man does, his wife should follow and help him. The scripture says that God made the woman a suitable helper for man
Thought for the day: Study the word of God that you may rightly divide the word of truth.
Song for the day: Must I go, and empty-handed? Must I meet my Saviour so?…
Bible reading for the day:
Micah 6-7; Revelation 12
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