For taking your time to study remain blessed.
Key Verse: John 12:32 “And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.
The concern of the leadership of HOREMOW is that most of the things going on in the various churches are not Christianity.
1. Evangelizing for Christ: if your mind is not in Jesus but denominational church, you will be inviting people to your denominational churches. But every soul pass through Jesus. We are not bringing people to HOREMOW but to Jesus.
2. The evangelist must possess personal salvation
Jesus is saying that you should get yourself saved before others. Why are you directing Me to others but you are still in sin yourself. Jesus is saying you are a pretender – it means your sin is bigger than the normal sinner. First remove the log that is in your eyes. It is then your work will have reward, otherwise your work will be in vain. A preacher that drinks alcohol, womanize, steal church money or lie and is not willing to surrender to Jesus but is preaching Jesus to others, what kind of thing is that?
3. Compassion for sinners. When you look around the world professors, high class people don’t know God. See the Muslim carried away and are harden and makes things difficult for the gospel. Mary has taken the catholic who appeared to have come very near but missed it all. Look at china with about 1 billion people but are pagan. What about India with a very large population, the few Christians there are even Catholics. Look at the churches, the leaders are not helping matters. Pastor Paul Rika said after looking at this scenario he cried to the extent that he became frighten that the neighbours might think he was being attacked by armed robbers. Hell is everlasting and he wished the people there would be brought back but their case has been determined. Your drive for the gospel should be necessitated by your compassion for the lost souls.
4. Pray for those people and how you will be able to reach them. Some of them are ready to carry gun. You need wisdom to reach them. What about Pentecostal churches where their leaders are using evil powers to bewitch the people but the people cannot understand it. You need wisdom.
Thought for the day: Let your mind be in Jesus not in denominational.
Song for the day: I must go with Jesus anywhere,
Bible Reading for the day: Zephaniah 1-3; Revelation 15
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