For taking your time to study remain blessed.
TEXT: 1TIMOTHY 4: 13-16
Key verse: “Meditate upon these things; give thyself wholly to them; that thy profiting may appear to all.” 1Timothy 4: 15
Exciting, enriching, educative and edifying messages are available at Holiness Revival Movement Worldwide for your spiritual and general welfare. They are available in audio CDs, DVDs, MP3, Memory cards with over fifty messages per card and industrial CDs containing three messages each, which can easily play in all media and devices, for your spiritual nourishment and blessing. They are also available on the internet, on Youtube, facebook and whatsapp. The messages cover a vast range of subjects in Christian life and ministry and are available in various series and languages including English, French, Hausa, Yoruba, Ibo, Igala, Tiv, Kuteb, e.t.c: Holy Living and believers conduct: The Doctrine of sanctification and holiness; Restitution and personal cleansing for holy uses; The lifestyle of a true believer; Perfecting holiness in the fear of God; Three kinds of Christians; A new repentance; Diligent holy living for heaven; Definition and universality of holiness; Devotional life of a holy Christian; Diligent holy living of the heaven bound saint; Exercising righteousness, truth and holiness towards your leader; Full deliverance from ungodly clothing and adornment; Faithfulness in small matters; Forgive others as God forgives you; Humble yourself to learn; Holy and blameless life before God and man; Holiness and judgment among believers; Hunger for truth, righteousness and holiness;
The Rapture of the Saints: Christian unity before the rapture; Personal preparation for His glorious appearance; Be rapture ready; The revival preceding His glorious appearing; The signs / sound of His coming; The second coming of Jesus Christ; We are in the time of the rapture – be informed.
Revelation Messages: Discerning false prophets, prophecies and revelations; Divine instructions for those in holiness revival movement worldwide; Diligent investigation and discernment of heaven claimed revelations; Deliverance From False Prophets; Evidence of true revelation message; Human responses to revelation gospel; Interpretation and application of divine revelations and prophecies; Commitment to God’s Word and Scriptural Revelations;
Believers comfort/Faith: Complete trust in God; Arise and remove your mountain (Audio); Continue with Jesus to the end; Determination to wear the crown; Exhortation to faith and patience in your situation; God’s purpose for your tests and trials; God’s love and comfort for you; God’s answer to your challenging enemy; God has remembered you; Handling Persecution in Your New Life in Christ; Have Faith in The God of Heaven;
Thought for the day: Listening to two messages every week makes over a hundred in a year!
Song for the day: Some years ago I gave my life to Jesus
Bible reading for the day:
Genesis 1, 2 Matthew 1
TEXT: 1TIMOTHY 4: 13-16
Key verse: “Meditate upon these things; give thyself wholly to them; that thy profiting may appear to all.” 1Timothy 4: 15
Exciting, enriching, educative and edifying messages are available at Holiness Revival Movement Worldwide for your spiritual and general welfare. They are available in audio CDs, DVDs, MP3, Memory cards with over fifty messages per card and industrial CDs containing three messages each, which can easily play in all media and devices, for your spiritual nourishment and blessing. They are also available on the internet, on Youtube, facebook and whatsapp. The messages cover a vast range of subjects in Christian life and ministry and are available in various series and languages including English, French, Hausa, Yoruba, Ibo, Igala, Tiv, Kuteb, e.t.c: Holy Living and believers conduct: The Doctrine of sanctification and holiness; Restitution and personal cleansing for holy uses; The lifestyle of a true believer; Perfecting holiness in the fear of God; Three kinds of Christians; A new repentance; Diligent holy living for heaven; Definition and universality of holiness; Devotional life of a holy Christian; Diligent holy living of the heaven bound saint; Exercising righteousness, truth and holiness towards your leader; Full deliverance from ungodly clothing and adornment; Faithfulness in small matters; Forgive others as God forgives you; Humble yourself to learn; Holy and blameless life before God and man; Holiness and judgment among believers; Hunger for truth, righteousness and holiness;
The Rapture of the Saints: Christian unity before the rapture; Personal preparation for His glorious appearance; Be rapture ready; The revival preceding His glorious appearing; The signs / sound of His coming; The second coming of Jesus Christ; We are in the time of the rapture – be informed.
Revelation Messages: Discerning false prophets, prophecies and revelations; Divine instructions for those in holiness revival movement worldwide; Diligent investigation and discernment of heaven claimed revelations; Deliverance From False Prophets; Evidence of true revelation message; Human responses to revelation gospel; Interpretation and application of divine revelations and prophecies; Commitment to God’s Word and Scriptural Revelations;
Believers comfort/Faith: Complete trust in God; Arise and remove your mountain (Audio); Continue with Jesus to the end; Determination to wear the crown; Exhortation to faith and patience in your situation; God’s purpose for your tests and trials; God’s love and comfort for you; God’s answer to your challenging enemy; God has remembered you; Handling Persecution in Your New Life in Christ; Have Faith in The God of Heaven;
Thought for the day: Listening to two messages every week makes over a hundred in a year!
Song for the day: Some years ago I gave my life to Jesus
Bible reading for the day:
Genesis 1, 2 Matthew 1
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